07 May 2009


Wow, Bosnya Ita... God used you both to give me hope. Dapet darimana coba? Waw. Walaupun belum finalized, gue belum diassess, tapi gue udah dipastikan begitu rasanya.....MakNyussssssssssssssss dech. Hehehehe. Ada harapan. Yang jelas itu diluar pemikiran saya. Bayangkan yah...kalo saya benar2 bekerja untuk dua perusahaan ini...
  • Yang satu sesuai dengan passion saya, food. I will be paid on student rates but I will learn market research (Food Marketing) for the real thing and then new product development. It's like... wahhahawww.
  • Yang satu teaching Indo maid. I just experienced the full run thru class today and I can see how the class really comforted them so much and showed me how I can make a difference in people's lives and also in my life.
  • Plus, the boss was keen to have me in and help me with my permit. My permit required a full-time position but the news is I don't need to worry about it as my friend boss will take care of it.
Gila Pisannnnnnnnnnn! GILAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Jalan Tuhan bukan jalanmu...
Jangan bimbang ataupun ragu...
nantikan Tuhan jadikan semua...
indah pada waktunya....


Ita said...

Lis, thanks a lot for this post!
It means a lot for me... more than what you could think...
Oh no... wanna cry... :p

Anne said...

hey i still don't get the full thing... that means you are going to have 2 part time jobs, and not worrying about visa at all?

Janicelees said...

thanks alot Ita...for your help. bener2 dech. You support me so much :))