22 February 2007

I'm tired!

I'm really tired these days. I didnt get enough sleep...either i was worrying about something or i had something to do. I just so much to do and at times saying "No" is hard. Well, sometimes when i said no, people turn away from me or saying sumting bad, not appreciating that I've really considered everything. I cant do everything! hoh, so frustrating. Why do i care so much of what people think...and why do i afraid of them...ughhhh.

21 February 2007

Is uncertainty good for you?

These days I'm faced with a lot of uncertainties and they stress me out! But, really uncertainty is actually an opportunity to trust God. I remember that I asked God to make me to trust Him more. May be this is it, the grant for my request. At times, I do slip out, not trusting God but just get so focus on my problem and forget about God. But, I was reminded in Hebrew that we are to make every effort to come to rest in God. But, I know how much we need the help from Holy Spirit to do so. So...I guess uncertainty is good for you.