31 May 2009

Change my focus, Lord!

The Focus of Faith

In one of the photo albums from my years in Ecuador is a close-up of a big scorpion on a window screen. I know what was beyond that ugly thing--a green lawn set about with palm trees, a garden of pineapples, a sweep of pasture land, and then the curve of a wide river. The photograph knows nothing of all that. The photographer had focused on the scorpion. He got a very good picture of a scorpion. The eye of the camera saw nothing else.

The eye of faith looks through and past that which the human eye focuses on. Faith looks at the facts--even the ugly ones (remember Abraham who looked at his wife's barrenness and his own impotence)--but does not stop there. It looks beyond to the beauty of things the human eye can never see--things as invisible as the palms and the pineapples are in my photograph.

When the eye of the heart is fixed on the world and the self, everything eternal and invisible is blurred and obscure. No wonder we cannot recognize God--we are studying the scorpion. Instead of gazing at Him in all his majesty and love, we peer at the screen, horrified at what we see there.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. Make my heart pure, Lord, that I may will to do your will. Give me the courage to see my world with all its evil and pain, but change the focus of my life.

Lord Jesus, make Thyself to me
A living, bright reality,
More present to faith's vision keen
Than any outward object seen,
More dear, more intimately nigh
Than e'en the sweetest earthly tie.

--(J.B. French)

by E. E.

28 May 2009

Noteworthy post

I found this post from girltalk. It's awesome. It helps me to recognize the sin of self-pity that I often did without knowing. Forgive me, Lord. Let me throw my burdens upon you. Tuhan, aku ingin hidup berkemenangan...seperti mereka... Aku ingin dipakai olehMu lebih lagi, lepas dari semua dosa-dosa yang melekat. Lepas...bebas...

“Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation. Selah." (Psalm 68:19)

I’ve been suffering from various mild ailments for what seems like a month now. This is an especially busy week for me and I have been tempted to self-pity over my lack of strength.

This morning my husband prayed this verse for me. The note from my Reformation Study Bible sent me to Isaiah 46:1-4. Here the Lord contrasts the “bearing ability” of idols to that of the One True God:

"Bel bows down; Nebo stoops; their idols are on beasts and livestock; these things you carry are borne as burdens on weary beasts. They stoop; they bow down together; they cannot save the burden, but themselves go into captivity. 'Listen to me, O house of Jacob, all the remnant of the house of Israel, who have been borne by me from before your birth, carried from the womb; even to your old age I am he, and to gray hairs I will carry you. I have made, and I will bear; I will carry and will save.'"

Stockxpertcom_id31974711_jpg_5a4130c18918ed25350d5888e1f9e0eb What is your burden today? They come in countless shapes and sizes—from clingy colds to crushing cares. But one thing’s for sure: our idols cannot bear their load. Leisure and escape don’t provide true rest. Sinful anger cannot relieve the pressure. Even friends are not strong enough to bear up under their full weight.

But have we forgotten? We have been borne by Christ since birth. He carried us from the womb and will not stop even when we are old and bent and gray. He alone has borne the full weight of our sin, and He alone can bear the burdens of life in a sinful world.

He doesn’t pop in once a week or every month to relieve us of our heavy load. Daily, everyday, today, He promises to bear us up. He will carry and he will save. Today. So big or small, let’s cast our burdens on Him. God is our salvation.

End of May Reflection 2

Enjoying research

All the more as I work on my task today, I really enjoy research... simply gathering information about one thing for the sake of knowing it better. I am not only talking in Food Technology area but everything, everything there is in this world. Everything is Fascinating!

Establishing relationships with people

I am an introvert. Really. But, I found myself to enjoy chatting with strangers and be really entertaining. However, I retreated to my shyness at my little corner in the office, only joining my other colleagues when it is deemed to be appropriate. I regretted it. I regretted why I simply can not be myself and found things awkward. May be because I am the youngest working there. I know not their style of humor and their perception of me. But, I long...I long to establish relationship with them. Unfortunately, I just do not know how to do it. It prolly only takes time. I feel lonely at times because we seem to have an unseen barrier that we put against someone else. When you changed your mind to greet someone you know...and decided to keep quiet, you might feel that there is something inside you die.

A strange saying

Last night, I was reading a book called Revolutions in world mission. Yeas, I got it for free. It took three weeks to send it from America and arrived last two days ago. This book is about the life of the author itself, K. P. Yohannan, the founder of Gospel for Asia. This book contains shocking statistics such as 40,000 people die everyday without hearing the gospel or about a church building in the US that costs $74 million, an amount which will guarantee that the Good News of Jesus Christ could be proclaimed to the whole Indian state. It also has stories about missionaries that goes to the unreached people in India. Terrible persecutions, yet none of those involved are without joy. Anyway, he goes on saying something that really disturb me...

"never take youself too seriously"

I truly do not know what it means.


I found that learning new language is cool. I learn by listening. At work, all my colleagues speak mandarin. They prolly know not that I can understand almost all that they were saying. Every word just click. Kinda amazing. At church, people are speaking in sundanese. I won't say I understand sundanese but I like to identify myself with my surroundings. I like to be able to speak the language my friend can speak. Somehow, it makes me understand people better. It's not like I push myself to be what I am not. It's just that it comes naturally. Do you confirm?

A spider found enjoying the afternoon on the stair as I walked up to the bus stop (click to enlarge picture, if you so will). When she stretched her legs, she is bigger than my palm. I also heard stories like snake, black body with red patches all over was found in the ladies toilet once at work. I can imagine such fun and histeria. Shut up! Yuck! yuck... yuck... yuck.

27 May 2009

End of May Reflection

I have not been blogging for ages. Now, it is the time for an update. I have started working at B-O Asia. At first, I was given the tasks to do marketing research to seek opportunity in South East Asia for our products. It was really fun but it gets tiring. Especially when I was entrusted 3 more reports to be done and all four of them are due on monday. Monday is presentation. This job gives me challenge in providing the correct information as to be helpful for the company. I also learnt alot from the market news, how are the consumers behaving and what opportunity that manufacturers have out there. I do not agree fully as to the practise. I found they are selfishly looking for profit gain, everything, almost everything even charities/going green campaign is being used for money making purposes. One single motive, increase profit. My little heart was shock to study all this, and was quite saddened by the corruption of our heart. I mean at least those going green/pro-sustainability marketing is a true sincere heartfelt marketing. No. It is only because our consumers care to save the planet, not because we care. Heck. This really puts me into thinking that all marketing people is superficial. Everywhere you go, you will strive to please your customers where there is not even a single hint of sincerity on your part. You started to sound like a Chamaeleon or Bunglon in Indonesian, you change your colour like your surroundings.

I know marketing exercise is needed by your company to ensure positive gain, it is in fact the only weapon a company has to survive. But heck, I didn't feel much peace about the way we do it. It is a little too selfish. I am glad there is regulation, so people couldn't put an erroneous/no science based health claim on their products. The price to pay is high when a company did that. The good reputation will suffer. Is there such a thing as good clean marketing? I will be glad to invent one.

Besides working, I also attended three lectures by Prof. Alister Mcgrath at St. Andrews. He really delivered very practical, smart tactful answers to new atheism and comforting message to keep doing our task as an Evangelist in season or out of season. I bought a book of him on self-esteem, and learning the fatherly love of our God. After may be 10 years of being a christian, I struggle to trust His unconditional love. I struggle with acceptance. To be able to picture our God as a loving mother attending the needs of her child, is to find peace that how much more the heavenly Father is capable of loving me perfectly. He cares. Pray as I journey towards this truth, may it brings steadiness and hope anew.

Besides theology, love. To be very particular, romantic love. Where am I going to bring you? you have my wicked smile. Romantic love is almost always identified with a feeling love, you are able to love someone because the counterpart has or does something likeable. Yeas, very easy to do this. Won't you agree? We all know that this kind of love, feeling based love, does not really last and it is not reliable. I admired people who choose to love when things was difficult, when it will cost them a heap to love. That is true genuine love. I long to have that strength to express genuine love, despite its cost. I long to exercise forgiveness and loving others unconditionally. But, until I experience love and grace myself, I will have no capacity to fulfill my longings.

To end, I would like to say that I am grateful. I am grateful for everything. Work had returned a purpose and meaning into my life. To carry other burdens will be too heavy for me. Lord, I just want to know you more. I just want to be at your feet and understand more of the significance of your crucifixion. What it means personally to me. May your light shine upon me and bring radiance to my eyes and healing to my bones. Change me... into what I do not know what to ask. But, annoint me, strengthen me, embolden me, for your sake.

19 May 2009

5 random things about me...

I love my current JOB :)
marketing research and related works.

I love cleaning toilet and bathroom with kiwi kleen bleach power. Talk about obsession. I will not use other products. exactly on the picture.

I love VEGGIES! yum yum.

I enjoy theology. especially discovering new things about God. altho at times it can be overwhelming.

Haiyah. I worry. my greatest weakness. I think too much.

18 May 2009

Life as per 18 May

Everyday for a week and a bit I have been waking up early. I meet a lot of people on my way to work. Hundreds and hundreds of us are going somewhere...to work...to earn a living... altho my heart sank when I started to remember that this isn't all that matters. Everyone is so wrong. We are like running in a rat race, actually not knowing if there is tomorrow. Always assume that we will also have tomorrow in our tiny hands. A lot of people passed me by as I waited for bus 200/200A...what are we after? Have they all know Christ? they are literally hundreds of people, I do not know what status/position they have. They are all human beings, fallen creature, need Christ. Just what do we look for?

I am glad at the meeting this morning I was able to present my findings and both bosses are quite happy with my work.

to be continued...

15 May 2009

Stress. Frustrated. Happy

Stress. Two boss not around. left alone with deadlines.
Stress. have deadlines but not sure how to do the research.
Stress. have not gone for medical check up.
Stress. people at work ah...kind lah but you know...can't really click

Frustrated. Keep making mistakes. feel stupid. feel wasted a lot of time
Frustrated. Shy to ask.
Frustrated. No one emphatize...
Frustrated. want to take my time to adjust, but doesn't even feel that way. challenged all the way.

Happy. no other work than my job. go home can switch off.
Happy. got a job. related to my degree. learning things. earning money.
Happy. the day doesn't seem to be gloomy as such.
Happy. no one asking me to serve at church or reason with me about it. I don't really want to hear it.

I need time to adjust. I am only human....not a superwoman.

11 May 2009

New life chapter begins...

I finally secured a job after 7 months long waiting. I would consider this is a new chapter of my life as I have left University life for 1.5 years. A year and half...rather...gloomy and miserable. I pray days ahead will be better. My Lord is sovereign, oh what comfort! You see... he will use everything, everyone that we will encounter in our life to shape our character and admonish our soul. Nothing wasted. My greatest temptation is to control tomorrow, things happening tomorrow. But, tomorrow ain't as bad as I think. Really...

10 May 2009


Mama - Il Divo

The choir at church sang this song and it was so beautiful. I cried. Mama, thank you.

09 May 2009

I love IEC :)

Sudah lama bergereja di IEC tetapi belum pernah menulis tentang gereja ini. Saya bersyukur dari awal setelah adik saya bergabung dengan gereja ini. Saya tahu dia akan mendapat bnyk ilmu dan pendalaman alkitab.

Saya bersyukur untuk Pak Jahja dan Bu Jung Jung. Pelayanan mereka sungguh-sungguh menjadi berkat buat saya pribadi dan I am sure buat semua jemaat IEC. Sahabat-sahabat yang ada juga sangat baik dan supportive. Ah...senangnya...

07 May 2009


Wow, Bosnya Ita... God used you both to give me hope. Dapet darimana coba? Waw. Walaupun belum finalized, gue belum diassess, tapi gue udah dipastikan begitu rasanya.....MakNyussssssssssssssss dech. Hehehehe. Ada harapan. Yang jelas itu diluar pemikiran saya. Bayangkan yah...kalo saya benar2 bekerja untuk dua perusahaan ini...
  • Yang satu sesuai dengan passion saya, food. I will be paid on student rates but I will learn market research (Food Marketing) for the real thing and then new product development. It's like... wahhahawww.
  • Yang satu teaching Indo maid. I just experienced the full run thru class today and I can see how the class really comforted them so much and showed me how I can make a difference in people's lives and also in my life.
  • Plus, the boss was keen to have me in and help me with my permit. My permit required a full-time position but the news is I don't need to worry about it as my friend boss will take care of it.
Gila Pisannnnnnnnnnn! GILAAAAAAAAAAAA!

Jalan Tuhan bukan jalanmu...
Jangan bimbang ataupun ragu...
nantikan Tuhan jadikan semua...
indah pada waktunya....

06 May 2009

Lilis feeling good

I had a chat with my pastor lady just now and feels much much better.
Wow. Life is good :).

02 May 2009


I found that I am prone to lose my joy when I don't sleep enough or when I am exhausted, just like what I experienced yesterday. I felt that my problems seem to be magnified 1000 times. The devil is cunning, he knows when we are weak and seek to take control of our mind. I think I have given in to his lies. Thankfully, after praying things become clearer and I feel much better. Thank you for praying with me.

When it was easier to be angry or upset with people,
When it was easier to get frustrated with the failure of yourself and another,
When it was easier to tear people down,
Choose to love...
Love never fails...

01 May 2009

Scream, Cry, Hit

That's exactly what I feel like doing!
I don't care about other people
I hate people, because we can only preach
but zero in our own doing
I hate people, because we are quick to judge
and slow in forgiving
I hate people, because we can only command
but have no interest in teaching
I hate sin
I hate the fact that we cause grief to one and another by our own actions

I am so looking forward to the restoration of your Kingdom, God
Where there is no more sorrow, pain and sin

I am weary and heavy
Please take care everything. everything.