16 December 2007

Harga Minyak Mau Naik

Kesenjangan sosial di Jakarta makin parah saja. Harga-harga sembako (sembilan bahan pokok) mulai naik karena harga minyak mau naik lagi. Sekarang diskusi tentang pencabutan subsidi pemerintah untuk minyak sedang memarak. Rakyat yang kurang mampu akan menjadi sulit untuk mencari nafkah kalau harga bensin dinaikan lagi. Selama ini rakyat Indonesia baik yang miskin maupun kaya asyik menikmati subsidi pemerintah. Namun setiap kali harga minyak mau dinaikkan rakyat yang miskin protes keras. Tangisan mereka yang selama ini kesusahan mencari nafkah menggerakkan hati. Hati saya juga tertuju kepada pemerintah, banyak yang mengolok-olok mereka tetapi tidaklah tepat untuk menganggap semua orang yang duduk di kursi pemerintahan tidak perduli atau tidak punya hati. Nyatanya memimpin segelintir orang untuk mengadakan perubahan itu tidaklah mudah. Mudah-mudahan pemerintah menemukan cara untuk menetapkan harga minyak yang pantas untuk dibayar oleh orang yang lebih mampu dan yang kurang mampu. Tentunya pemerintah harus mulai dengan memisahkan masyarakat sesuai dengan penghasilan mereka misalkan menggunakan kartu pas mengisi bahan bakar. Namun ini tentunya harus disertai dengan kerjasama dari masyarakat. Terkadang masyarakat enggan untuk mengijinkan bila penghasilannya diteliti.

Jalan Tuhan bukan Jalanmu

Jalan Tuhan bukan jalanmu
Jangan bimbang ataupun ragu
Nantikan Tuhan jadikan semua
indah pada waktunya

Pada Tuhan masa depanku
Pada Tuhan kusrahkan hidupku
Nantikan Tuhan berkarya
indah pada waktunya

Hari esok tiada kutahu
Namun tetap langkahku maju
Kuyakin Tuhan jadikan semua
Indah pada waktunya

sung by Jeffry S Tjandra

This song was sung today at church service. Ah...I love the song. Keeping my eyes on Jesus...leaving all my burdens to Him...sweet Jesus.

Pengakuan Iman Rasuli (Confession of Faith)

The church that I go to in Jakarta get the congregation to recite the confession of faith and it goes like this:

Aku percaya kepada Allah, Bapa yang mahakuasa, Pencipta langit dan bumi. Dan kepada Yesus Kristus, AnakNya yang tunggal, Tuhan kita. Yang dikandung dari Roh Kudus, lahir dari anak dara Maria. Yang menderita sengsara dibawah pemerintahan pontius pilatus, disalibkan mati dan dikuburkan, turun kedalam kerajaan maut. Pada hari yang ketiga bangkit pula dari antara orang mati. Naik ke sorga, duduk disebelah kanan Allah, Bapa yang Mahakuasa. Dan dari sana Ia akan datang, untuk menghakimi orang yang hidup dan yang mati. Aku percaya kepada Roh Kudus. Gereja yang kudus dan sempurna, persekutuan orang kudus. Pengampunan dosa. Kebangkitan tubuh. Dan hidup yang kekal. Amin.

I was surprised with that because none of the churches that I go to these years have similar tradition. This is the essence of christian faith not the act of reciting the confession of faith but the biblical truths. I am personally very delighted and blessed as I recite these because they remind me of the true hope not in material wealth but in God and the joy of being loved by the Almighty. The challenge for the churches that include this recitation in theri liturgy is to do it beyond rituals so that they may not appear to be plain words but source of great encouragement and joy. I also enjoy singing doxology at the end of the service, it is the correct conclusion :). I like the english version better because somehow the translated version has limited meanings.

Puji Allah Bapa Putra
Puji Allah Rohul Kudus
KetigaNya yang Esa
Pohon Slamat
Sumber Berkat
Amin Amin Amin

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above the Heavenly Hosts
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost
Amen Amen Amen

01 December 2007

Do you know Jesus?

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because He has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son" (John 3:16-18).

Have you believed in Jesus, my friend? It's not too late to ask Him to come into ur life :).

Are you feeling empty in your life? you seem to have everything the world has to offer: good friends, money, job, boyfriend/girlfriend, loving parents, strategic position but there is something missing. You are not at rest. I think God is knocking on the door of your heart to let Him in. We will not be at rest until God dwells in our heart. He is the only one that can quench your thirst for something more. He is the one you need.

We are made by God, to be dependent on God. God is perfect yet we are not. We have rejected Him and decided to be the one who control our own life. We have been proud with the knowledge, power, and money we have. We have been seeking our own benefits and not others all along. God is here asking that you give up taking control of your own life and allow Him to do that. Because only through Him we can truly live. God is ready to forgive all that you have done and embrace you. He is upset and not only upset but abhor what you have done because He is holy and just. His eyes are too pure to look on evil. Yet, He knows that on your own can never find Him or draw close to Him. Dont worry, He has provided the way. He has sacrificed His own Son, yes His Son has to die because of our wrongdoings. He has to bear the punishment for our disobedience. So that you can come and draw close to Him. So that you can truly live because He loves you. Today if you hear His voice, do not harden your heart, but accept this gift from God freely. I am not good in words but this amazing treasure I hope to share with you. Seek Him and you shall find.

18 November 2007

Te Alabare, Mi buen Jesus

Examiner Musical

Click to view my Personality Profile page

Random stuff. But, it's pretty interesting except the personality test only has two extremes (2 scales)...the more scales the more accurate.

15 November 2007

Rock of Ages

Rock of ages cleft for me
Hide me now my refuge be
Let the water and the blood
from your wounded side which flowed
Be of sin the double cure
Cleanse me from its guilt and power

Not the labours of my hands
Can fulfill your laws demands
Could my zeal no respite know,
Could my tears forever flow
All for sin could not atone
You must save, and you alone

Nothing in my hand I bring
Simply to your cross I cling
Naked come to you for dress
Helpless look to you for grace
Stained by sin to You I cry
Wash me Saviour, or I die

While I draw this fleeting breath
When my eyelids close in death
When I soar through realms unknown
Bow before the judgement throne
Hide me then my refuge be
Rock of ages cleft for me.

Batu Karang yang teguh

Batu karang yang teguh
Kau tempatku berteduh
Karna dosaku berat
dan kuasanya menyesak
oh bersihkan diriku
oleh darah lambungMu

Walau aku berjerih
dan menangis tak henti
apapun usahaku
tak menghapus dosaku
hanya oleh KurbanMu
Kaus'lamatkan diriku

Tiada lain kupegang
Hanya salib dan iman
dalam kehampaanku
kudambakan rahmatMu
Tanpa dikau, Tuhanku
takkan hidup jiwaku

Bila tiba saatnya
kutinggalkan dunia
dan Kau panggil diriku
ke hadapan takhtaMu
Batu karang yang teguh
Kau tempatku berteduh

Syair Rock of Ages oleh Augustus M. Toplady 1775
diterjemahkan oleh Yayasan Musik Gerejawi 1985
Lagu oleh Thomas Hastings 1832

10 November 2007

William Carey's Epitaph

William Carey

Born August 17the, 1761
Died June 9the, 1834
A wretched, poor, and helpless worm,
On Thy kind arms I fall.

The secret of his poor spirit is God's grace. The cure of self inadequacy is not self esteem but sovereign grace. Stop focussing on your inability but know and rely on God's ability.

09 November 2007

06 November 2007

The very last lap

Waw...the last week of fourth year food technology. Everyone is leaving to pursue something else in life. Kinda crazy. I have just submitted my last assignment at Uni. It was really difficult but I did my best. It was about SPC (Statistical Process Control) in a biscuit company. Well, they are trying to minimize variation, keeping the whole process under control, and meeting legal requirements. I still feel that I could have done better. But, oh well, really oh well. Lilis cant change it anymore, have handed it in. No point in worrying. God, I give it to your hands. I have also recieved my thesis back from my supervisor. I didnt feel very good. I think my thesis is sucks. Hehe. People find it very difficult to understand. I am trying to develop a model on calculating the amount of uncooked starch in a complex mixture. My thesis is only about one of the important variables that need to be taken account in a complex mixture. But, I only did the mathematical side of it which is developing the model. The main weakness of my thesis is the chemistry side of the starch (physicochemical charateristics). I only know very little. My boss reckons that I can master it but it seems to require a lot of time to study. Anyway, I cant complain really..one of the sisters is having 9 exams this semester and she still has 5 to go. My condition is way better than her.

Today, I was listening to Piper's sermon on not nullifying the grace of God. I am really excited to know more about the significance of the cross of Christ. I can totally rely on Him to reveal the knowledge and change my life. This sermon was about being liberated from legalism which sadly is sporadic in churches. If we can pay for ourselves to go to heaven, Christ came with no purpose. It is not sin to stop depending on works anymore. Praise be to God! I must confess that I have been living my christian life legalistically not knowing that it is pride. But, today I'd like to recommit my life back to Christ, that I am unable to reach God on my own strength but He graciously reaches out to me. I have the freedom in Christ, I can depend on Him for joy, peace, and righteousness...dont you think what He said is true...that He came so that we may have life and have it abundantly...

Some cool quotes I found while reading these days and I'd like to make it a personal prayer:

Take my will and make it Thine
It shall be no longer mine
Take my heart, it is Thine own
It shall be Thy royal throne

Frances Ridley Havergal

If you wish to be disappointed, look to others
If you wish to be downhearted, look to yourself
If you wish to be encouraged...look upon Jesus Christ

Erica Saure

Once it was the blessing
Now it is The Lord;
Once it was the feeling
Now it is His Word;
Once his gifts I wanted
Now the Giver Own;
Once I sought for healing
Now Himself alone.

A.B. Simpson

Beautiful aye? May the Lord bless you this week.

31 October 2007


"With full knowledge of your past failings and present defects of character, God chose you anyway! ~ that's mind blowing grace! It's also a truth that's hard to hold onto when you're having a bad time and under-performing spiritually. So, what does it mean to be chosen?

(1) To be chosen is to be seen as unique. Each one of us cries out to be noticed as special, not just one more of the same. And with God 'everybody is somebody'. In his eyes there are no misfits, rejects, or second-class citizens.

(2) To be chosen is to be recognized as having something to contribute. Chosen people are significant. Their biographies get written and read because their stories matter. THey establish God's kingdom on earth. Understand this: God thinks you have something to contribute that no-one else can.

(3) To be chosen means to be wanted by God. For people with empty hearts and wounded pasts, the only true basis of self-worth is God's unchanging opinion of you revealed in his word.

In the world, being chosen often means to be chosen at some else's expense. But, God doesn't choose in that way. No, his plan for you doesn't diminish the lives of others; it enhances them. In God's plan, those who are chosen are always chosen for one reason-to serve. When we begin to see one another as being chosen by God, we'll begin to love and respect one another in a way we never have before. And that will profoundly change every relationship we've got." -anonymous-

27 October 2007

Because Jesus lives!!!

God sent His Son,
They called Him Jesus
He came to love, heal, and forgive
He lived and died to buy my pardon
An empty grave is there to prove My Saviour lives

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow
Because He lives, all fear is gone
Because I know, He holds the future
and life is worth the living
just because He lives!!

How sweet to hold a newborn baby,
And feel the pride and joy he gives.
But greater still the calm assurance,
This child can face uncertain days because He lives.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, All fear is gone.
Because I know He holds the future,
And life is worth the living just because He lives.

And then one day I'll cross the river,
I'll fight life's final war with pain.
And then as death gives way to victory,
I'll see the lights of glory and I'll know He lives.

Because He lives, I can face tomorrow.
Because He lives, All fear is gone!
Because I know He holds the future
And life is worth the living just because He lives!

William and Gloria Gaither

Wonderful truth!

24 October 2007

Loading the burden to the Lord

Hudson Taylor said these words when he was rebuked because of whistling his favorite hymn after hearing that his friend was in danger: "Do you rather want me to be anxious and troubled? it is certainly will not help my friend and it incapacitates me to do my work. Thus, I load the burden to the Lord."

21 October 2007

What Christ has done for me?

These past two weeks had been an interesting week, an eye opening, a humbling week, tough, but most rewarding. I thought I have learnt and reminded myself about what Christ has done for me, I thought I have known it reasonably well but in reality I have only made a wee bit progress. I enjoy learning the bible, knowing that Christ has brought salvation, freedom, and life for me. But, I didnt really know the meaning until I had to go through a test. I didnt really know what it means to delight in what Christ has done for us. Truly, it has to be God Himself that give us the understanding so that we may truly take joy in what he has done for us. I have often wandered why some christians can be so passionate about the gospel...this normally happens when I have lost my joy or when my feeling towards it was average. I know it is a sad thing but I have to be honest about it. Then, these days God made me understand...yeah I think I got it. Last two weeks I was sick and to make things worse I didnt feel well spiritually either. I realized that I dont live under God's grace most of the time. We thought we have depended on God but we are not and try to take things on our own strength. I was reminded that no matter how I feel whether I am weak or sick, Christ has brought victory for me. I am victorious because of Christ. Christ has fought the battle head to head with the devil on the Cross. I have given total control of my life to Christ and the devil has no authority over me, no power over me. The Holy Spirit that lives in me is greater than any other spirit in this world. The devil shudders at the name of Jesus, he cant easily forget the defeat on the Cross, it was finished! Praise be to God. I grieve over my many defeats, doubts on who I really am in Christ, it is because I dont know...o God help. When Paul told Timothy the reason why he should not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord nor of him his prisoner is because God does not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and self control. Fear has no hold over us, Christ is on our side, it is him who justify us, who can be against us? truly who? satan has no power if God has decided. he can not alter God's plan. No way, far be it. I thought I have understood what Christ has done for me yet today I acknowledge that I have not and I can not until He makes me understand. He who gives good gifts will surely give wisdom especially about Himself :).

Quote of the day: Spiritual warfare is real and is here, not somewhere in asia or africa. You gotta be ready for it.

16 October 2007

CF Ball 50's glamours

May be my last ball...I never know...had lotsa fun though
Many thanks to Teri for dress and stuff

It's not your fault

These words were said to a guy that years ago when He was young, he was physically abused by his parents, people that suppose to love him. Well-said indeed by his psychiatrist that cares about him, not merely doing his job. The part that really significant was when he said to his old friend that hire him to help the abused guy. He said that He was not going to push the guy, to make him feel like a failure, to make him use his old familiar tool which is his defense mechanism. The guy is allowed to make his own choices in life and he ought to be free to do it. the psychiatrist's old friend wanted the young guy to follow a course set by him, a glamorous job that will set the guy up high because he was way talented. The psychiatrist refused to work with his old friend, forcing the guy to do what his friend's want, eventhough the guy owes good deeds to his old friend. He just know that to do so will not be helping the damaged guy at all.

good will hunting

On another note, what a friend the guy had! a person who was able to walk back with him to his past and come out together strong. Reminding me of people God had put in my life, that has inspired, that is available to walk with me through those dark valleys and come out strong and safe.

13 October 2007

2 Timothy 1 - 9

Now, we are moving on memorizing the second book of Timothy. Let see If I still remember.

Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus, by the will of God, according to the promise of life that is in Christ Jesus.

To Timothy, my beloved child.

Grace , mercy, and peace from God the Father, and Christ Jesus our Lord.

I thank God whom I serve, as did my ancestors, with a clear conscience, as I remember you constantly in my prayers night and day. As I remember your tears, I long to see you so that I may be filled with joy.

I am reminded of your sincere faith, a faith that dwelt first in your grandmother Lois, and your mother Eunice, and now I am sure dwells in you as well. For this reason, I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. For God gave us a spirit not of fear, but of power, and love, and self control.

Therefore, do not be ashamed of the testimony about our Lord, nor of me his prisoner. But, share in suffering for the gospel by the power of God, who saved us and called us to a holy calling, not because of our works, but because of his own purpose and grace which he gave us in Christ Jesus before the ages began. 2 Tim 1 - 9 (this is where we are up to)

Psalm 19: 7 - 11

The Law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul
The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple
The precepts of the Lord are right,rejoicing the heart
The commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes
The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever
The rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether
More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold
Sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.
Moreover, by them is your servant warned, in keeping them there is great reward.

This is our joy and desire. May this inspire to you to treasure the word of the Lord.
Appreciate your prayers as we hold each other accountable in memorizing His precious words. May we be ever ready and competent in handling the sword of the Spirit. Amen.

2 John

We have been memorizing 2nd John, so I thought I post this letter to remind myself and you.

2 John 1 - 13 according to ESV

The elder, to the elect lady and her children, whom I love in truth and not only I but also all who know the truth. Because of the truth that abides in us and will be with us forever.

Grace, mercy, and peace will be with us from God the Father and from Jesus Christ the Father's son in truth and love.

I rejoiced greatly to find some of your children walking in the truth just as we were commanded by the Father. And now, I asked you dear lady, not as though I were writing you a new commandment but the one that we have had from the beginning, that we love one another. And this is love, that we walk according to His commandments; this is the commandment just as you have heard from the beginning, so that you should walk in it.

For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh, such a one is the deciever and the antichrist.

Watch yourselves, so that you may not lose what we have worked for but may win a full reward.

Everyone who goes on ahead and does not abide in the teaching of Christ does not have God.
Whoever abides in the teaching, has both the Father and the Son.

If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not recieve him into your house or give him any greeting. For whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works.

Though I have much to write to you I would rather not use paper and ink. Instead I hope to come to you and talk face to face, so that our joy may be complete.

The children of your elect sister, greets you.

12 October 2007

Life in the Middle of October

I havent blogged for ages. These days had been tough and hard as I journeyed with the Lord. I have fallen into being anxious and faithless. Then, the Lord brings me to my senses through people what He had achieved for me on the Cross. The freedom from slavery of sin including disbelieving His power, sovereignty, and love. Christ has broken the yoke, has burst my bonds, and yet sometimes you do not realize that you are free. You can conquer sins in your life by the power of God. I can ask for forgiveness and by His love He cleanses me from all unrighteousness. As He brought me through the book of Jeremiah this morning, I can feel His grief and yet compassion towards unfaithful Israel and Judah. His calling was for them to return to Him, to acknowledge their guilt. He said that He will not be angry forever for He is merciful. Isnt He great and generous? that I am free and can embrace His hands again? Oh Lord, I am sorry for failing to trust you. Help me as you help faithless Israel. Thanks.

23 September 2007

Thank you for the Cross, Lord!!

Thank you for the cross Lord
Thank you for the price You paid
Bearing all my sin and shame
In love You came
And gave amazing grace

Thank you for this love Lord
Thank you for the nail pierced hands
Washed me in Your cleansing flow
Now all I know
Your forgiveness and embrace

Worthy is the Lamb
Seated on the throne
Crown You now with many crowns
You reign victorious

High and lifted up
Jesus Son of God
The Darling of Heaven crucified
Worthy is the Lamb
Worthy is the Lamb

by Hillsong United

Terima kasih Tuhan buat kasihMu yang besar, mulia, dan setia yang telah Kau nyatakan lewat pengorbananMu diatas kayu salib. Kami tidak bisa memahami seluruhnya tetapi hanya bisa menerima anugrahMu, mengalami dan merasakan kasihMu yang indah luar biasa. Segala puji syukur hanya bagiMu Tuhan. Ajarilah kami untuk mengasihi sesama seperti Engkau telah mengasihi kami. Amin.


From the highest of heights to the depths of the sea
Creation's revealing Your majesty
From the colors of fall to the fragrance of spring
Every creature unique in the song that it sings
All exclaiming

Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God

All powerful, untamable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God

Who has told every lightning bolt where it should go
Or seen heavenly storehouses laden with snow
Who imagined the sun and gives source to its light
Yet conceals it to bring us the coolness of night
None can fathom

Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name.
You are amazing God

All powerful, untamable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God

by Chris Tomlin

Yeas indeed! you are amazing Lord :)

19 September 2007

Psalm 19

The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork.
Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.

There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world.

In them he has set a tent for the sun, which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy.

Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them, and there is nothing hidden from its heat.

The law of the LORD is perfect,
reviving the soul the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple;
the precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart;
the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes;
the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever;
the rules of the LORD are true, and righteous altogether.

More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold;sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb. Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.

Who can discern his errors? Declare me innocent from hidden faults.
Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins;
let them not have dominion over me!
Then I shall be blameless, and innocent of great transgression.

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.

11 September 2007

Great Opportunities

Uncertainties are great opportunities to trust the Almighty.

09 September 2007

I (read: ai)

I want to give You more
All praises You deserve
You are holy and You're righteous

I want to listen more
to Your Spirit call
You are Holy and You're righteous

You are Holy
You are Holy

Jesus, You are God
High above all else
Maker of the Universe
High above all else

(from the song High Above)

08 September 2007

Religion and Politics

Consider these words:

"I am puzzled which Bible people are reading when they suggest religion and politics don't mix." (Archbishop Desmond Tutu)

"Its assertion of original sin should make the church intensely realistic and conspicuously free from Utopianism." (Archbishop William Temple)

Woo. Big words...

Okay. The first quote is probably more self explanatory than the second. Christians, there are some social concerns that are only possible to be achieved through political actions. You cant eliminate political actions altogether, or isolating your care to society without being involved with politics. However (the second quote), we need to remember that there is no perfect political programme on this earth, I mean one that we can claim as the expression of God's will. You can't identify christian faith with a political programme. Remember the first and greatest commandment: to love God.

from Issues facing Christians Today by John Stott

Two ears and one mouth

Do you know why you have two ears and only one mouth?

because God wants us to listen twice as much as to speak.

(not my words)

22 August 2007

Before the throne of God above

Before the throne of God above
I have a strong, a perfect plea
A great high priest whose name is love
whoever lives and pleads for me

My name is graven on His hands
My name is written in His heart
I know that while in Heaven He stands
No tongues can bid me thence depart
No tongues can bid me thence depart

When Satan tempts me to despair
and tells me of the guilt within
upward I look and see Him there
who made an end to all my sins

Because the sinless saviour died
My sinful soul is counted free
for God, the Just, is satisfied
to look on him and pardon me
to look on him and pardon me

Behold Him there the Risen Lamb
My perfect spotless righteousness
the great unchangeable I am
the King of glory and of grace!

One with himself I can not die
my soul is purchased by His blood
My life is hid with Christ on High
with Christ, my saviour and my God
with Christ, my saviour and my God

What a glorious hope! How wonderful is your work, God!

20 August 2007

Palmy the AGM week

Palmy OCF AGM is this Friday 25 August. Please be praying for us guys as the new boys and girls take the beton...my wishes are that I dun stop serving God wherever I go whether working or off to continue on master degree. I want to keep serving...be praying for me as I step down from the comittee.

My prayers for Palmy OCF is that it will continue to be a powerful witness of Christ on campus, the place where people may learn about God and worship Him in everyway, the place for the "needy" to come and find a safe place and a family for the international students at Massey.

God bless you OCF Palmy!

Ah...cant imagine I leave my second family...Lilis hearts OCF!! muackks muackks.

17 August 2007

So She dances

A waltz when she walks in the room
She blows back the hair from her face
She turns to the window to sway in the moonlight
Even her shadow has grace

A waltz for the girl out of reach
She lifts her hands up to the sky
She moves with the music
The song is her lover
The melody's making her cry

So she dances
In and out of the crowd like a glance
This romance is
From afar calling me silently

A waltz for the chance I should take
But how will I know where to start?
She's spinning between constellations and dreams

Her rhythm is my beating heart

So she dances In and out of the crowd like a glance
This romance is
From afar calling me silently
I can't keep on watching forever
I give up this view just to tell her

When I close my eyes I can see
The spotlights are bright on you and me
We've got the floor
And you're in my arms
How could I ask for more?

So she dances
In and out of the crowd like a glance
This romance is
From afar calling me silently
I can't keep on watching forever
And I'm givin' up this view just to tell her

Josh Groban - So She dances


This is prolly the second or third post that contains the word "Tired". Yeah, Tired but joyful though. This week has been interesting. I had lectures on Quality Management this week and it has been the most thought provoking, I really enjoy Don's lecture, we had group activities, class discussion, all sorts and he was pasionate with quality. I wish I had more lecturers like him. The things that He taught us are not easy, are not popular, they require a lot of thinking, understanding our state as human being in order to understand and manage others (He is teaching us how to be good managers). Yesterday, we were talking about system, how do we define system and whether it exists or not. Together as a class we came up with

System has or is:
  • Interaction between sub-systems or elements
  • The sum of parts doesnt equal to the whole part working together, meaning when parts work together there is emergent characteristic (greater and more beneficial outcome) that is impossible to be achieved by one part/sub-system/element alone.
  • There is structure of the parts/hierarchy of the parts
  • Purposeful(?)
  • has a network
  • etc (which normally means I forgot, hehe)

But, I had a discussion with Don regarding whether system exists or not. He reckoned because we define the word "system" therefore system exists. If we didnt find the word "system" there would be no system. In our class, Don suggested one of the examples of systems is solar system. This example was used to question whether system actually has a purpose/purposeful. One of my classmates said that this then lead to the acceptance of intelligent design, there is a creator behind solar system and it serves a purpose for Him. I was kinda sad as Don said that He is not going to let the discussion into religion or theology. We are taught that the university distribute truth, and I was also taught that the only failure was not to learn from what was taught and the material being taught contain faults. By shutting the discussion, it kinda decided to be blinded or discard other possible options (which might be true) in order to explain system. But, anyway He said that He could show me 1200 pages of debate regarding the whole issue of system definition and was wandering if I am interested. Oh...I wish I had all the time. Hehe. But, I decided to drop it (too many pages...Prolly will start crying after page 10). He didnt say what I believed was wrong but He just said to continue thinking about it. What was concluded and taught in the class regarding "system" was a collection of agreeable definitions amongst scholars.

Overall, I found his lectures was interesting and I was sad to find out that today was his last lecture.

This week has been a week of inspiration to study...and study things. I wanna study theology and history simply because I wanna know more about the truth, so I may trust God more, more awe and reverence to Him, more joy, and also being ready to defend it. I am also interested in studying management and economy (basically from Don's lecture and my marketing paper) and obviously science. Learn more...yay happy learning...I sound ambitious? yeah...Can be tempted to that, I will wait for God and see, I wanna be faithful with whatever He has entrusted me to have currently...Food Technology and some good christian books and friends.

Oh academia has been very interesting this week. I am very tired but happy :).

Much Love


09 August 2007


Not long ago, I had posted my own thought on the chapter "Love" from John Piper's Desiring God. Then, a friend sent me an e-mail regarding things that John had learnt from his dad. I posted the e-mail content just before this one. Anyway, I thought John in his book was proposing what to do when we dont feel like loving others. I mentioned in my last post that the concept that Piper was teaching is new to me but when I read what He learnt from his dad, I found that the concept was not new.

The part about joy in things John had learnt from his dad:

3. Happiness is not found by looking for it. You stumble over happiness on the road to duty.

My, my, my. How was John Piper born from this? I would never say this. The main reason is that the Bible commands us to pursue our joy repeatedly. “Rejoice in the Lord, and again I say rejoice.” “Delight yourself in the Lord.” I think what he meant was: 1) Joy is always in something. Joy itself is not the something. So we seek joy in Christ. Not just joy in general. 2) When duty is hard and we do not feel joy in doing it, we should still do it, and pray that in the doing it the joy would be given. But what we need to make plain is that duty cannot be contrasted with joy, because joy is a biblical duty.

He emphasised that when we dont feel like loving others, we should do it anyway, praying to God as we do it that He will give us joy. Joy is a biblical duty, we have to have joy in what we are doing. Previously, I had thought that when I dont have joy in showing love to others, I should refrain from doing the "duty" and pray to God for joy. Once the joy filled my heart, then I shall go about loving others. I dunno...I think Piper is saying that we shouldnt refrain from loving others eventhough we dont feel like it but ask God for joy. Feel free to help me out.

08 August 2007

Things I have learned

"Since my father died on March 6, I have been looking through his papers. I found a small sheet with the following fifteen counsels, titled “Things I Have Learned.” He didn't make most of these up. Some of them go back to his college days when he was absorbing the pithy wisdom of Bob Jones Senior. They have again confirmed the obvious: I owe my father more than I can ever remember. The comment after each one is mine.

Things I Have Learned

1. The right road always leads to the right place; therefore, get on the right road and go as far as you can on it.

My father was totally persuaded that wrong means do not lead to right ends. Or, more positively, he was persuaded that living in the right way ??? that is, doing the right things ??? are means that inevitably lead to where God wants us to be. This is why he told me, when I asked about God’s leading in my life, “Son, keep the room clean where you are, and in God’s time, the door to the next room will open.”

2. There is only one thing to do about anything; that is the right thing. Do right.

This is what one might say to a person perplexed by a difficult situation whose outcome is unknown. The person might say, “I just don’t know what to do about this.” It is not useless to be told: Do the right thing. That may not tell you exactly which good thing to do, but it does clear the air and rule out a few dozen bad ideas.

3. Happiness is not found by looking for it. You stumble over happiness on the road to duty.

My, my, my. How was John Piper born from this? I would never say this. The main reason is that the Bible commands us to pursue our joy repeatedly. “Rejoice in the Lord, and again I say rejoice.” “Delight yourself in the Lord.” I think what he meant was: 1) Joy is always in something. Joy itself is not the something. So we seek joy in Christ. Not just joy in general. 2) When duty is hard and we do not feel joy in doing it, we should still do it, and pray that in the doing it the joy would be given. But what we need to make plain is that duty cannot be contrasted with joy, because joy is a biblical duty.

4. The door to success swings on the hinges of opposition.

Remarkably, this saying implies that opposition is not just a natural accompaniment or antecedent of success, but that it is a means by which the door opens. One can think of many biblical examples. The opposition of Joseph’s brothers opened the door to his leadership in Egypt. The taxing of the empire opened the door to getting the Messiah born in Bethlehem, not Nazareth, and thus fulfilling prophecy. The betrayal of Judas opened the door to the salvation of the world.

5. God in the right place in my life fixes every other relationship of life (Matthew 6:33).

I wonder if this was tucked away in my mind so that unknown to me it controlled my analogy of the solar system to our many-faceted lives. If God is the blazing center of the solar system of our lives, then all the planets will be held in their proper orbit. But if not, everything goes awry.

6. It is never right to get the right thing in the wrong way ??? like good grades, wealth, power, position. Don’t sacrifice your principles.

Again, he hammers away at don’t use bad means for good ends. Be a principled, not a pragmatic, person. O how we need to hear this today. Churches need to be principled, not endlessly adapting to culture. Persons need to make a promise and keep it no matter how much it hurts.

7. It is a sin to do less than your best. It is wrong to do well.

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might” (Ecclesiastes 9:10). But be careful. Sometimes the “best” is a B+ sermon and spending time with your child. In other words, “best” always involves more decisions than the one you are making at the moment. That one means many other things are being left undone. So “best” is always the whole thing, not just the detail of the moment.

8. It is wrong to be yoked to one who refuses the yoke of Christ.

Don’t marry an unbeliever (1 Corinthians 7:39). Not all relationships with unbelievers are ruled out. Otherwise we could not obey Jesus’ command to love them and bless them. But “yoke” implies a connectedness that either governs where we go or constrains where they go. And you cannot constrain faith in Jesus. It is free.

9. The part of your character that is deficient is the part that needs attention.

This is the counterpoint to the advice: Go with your strengths. There is truth in both. Yes, be encouraged by every evidence of God’s grace in your life, and use your gifts and graces for his glory. But you will become smug and vain if you do not keep your deficiencies before you and work on them.

10. Don’t quit. Finish the job. God can’t use a quitter.

Warning: “He who endures to the end will be saved” (Mark 13:13). Promise: “He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6).

11. Anything you do that hinders your progress for God is wrong.

O how thankful I am that this was the dominant way my father pressed me to pursue my sanctification. He did not mainly impose lists of don’ts on me, though we had them. And they were clear. Mainly he said: Maximize your progress in knowing and serving God. That ruled out a hundred foolish behaviors, some bad and some uselessly innocent.

12. Beware of any society in which you feel compelled to put a bushel over your testimony.

This implies that you can go into a group of people who are evil if you are willing to open your mouth and take a stand for Jesus and righteousness. Nevertheless, 1 Corinthians 15:33 stands: “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company ruins good morals.’”

13. It isn’t enough to be good. Be good for something. The essence of Christianity is not a passionless purity.

This is what I have meant in talking about a merely avoidance ethic. Don’t just think of righteousness or holiness in terms of what you avoid, but what you do. As my father said in another place: Don’t be a don’ter; be a doer.

14. Positive living produces negative effect[s].

This is wise counsel that affirmation of the good always implies negation of the bad. If you think you can live your life without negating anything, you have lost touch with reality. “Abhor what is evil; hold fast to what is good” (Romans 12:9). You cannot love without hating what hurts the beloved.

15. Learn to be sweetly firm.

This was what he said to my mother over the phone when she was exasperated with her one disobedient son: Be sweet and firm. I think she succeeded.
With abiding and deep thankfulness for my father’s wisdom,"

John Piper

07 August 2007

What the world eat?

The Ayme family of Tingo
(loved the pic very much, look at their smile)

Check out What the world eat?

The link was from Sarah. I found it really amusing, comparing families and how family in different country are surviving with the amount of food/money they have. After you had a look, you might think that you dont need some of the food you have. What a priviledge we have...it should move us to help those who are in need.

What makes you eat more food?

Check out an excellent Photo essay done by Time regarding environmental factors that make you want to eat and eat and eat...

03 August 2007

Does the Bible contain error(s)?

Do you believe in the inerrancy of the scripture? Why/Why not?

Gimme your thoughts. Now.

02 August 2007


If someone rejects your idea,
It is your idea that is being rejected, Not you.

If someone rejects you,
God has accepted you fully, just as you are, and that is sufficient.
Cling on to Him.

You can not afford not to offend anyone in this world.
For if you are living your life with reverence to God,
Someone will be offended by your decisions.

30 July 2007


Return, O wanderer, now return,
and seek thy Father's face
Those new desires which in thee burn
were kindled by His grace.
Return, O wanderer, now return,
and wipe the falling tear:
Thy Father calls, - no longer mourn;
Tis love invites thee near

William Benco Collyer

Mystery and Victory

Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep. But, we shall all be changed, in a momemnt, in a twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall all be changed.

For this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality. When the perishable puts on the imperishable, and the mortal puts on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written:

Death is swallowed up in victory
O death, where is your victory?
O death, where is your sting?

The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the law. But, thanks be to God, who gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.

1 Corinthians 15:51-58

Contemplating the cross

A nominal Christian is content with proving the way of salvation by a crucified Redeemer. But the true christian loves it, delights in it, glories in it, and shudders at the very thought of glorifying in anything else...
Let all your joys come from the contemplation of the cross.
Charles Simeon

23 July 2007

Doing good with self interest?

I have been reading Desiring God, particularly the chapter about Love. It has been quite challenging as I read, I had to read and reread. It was about loving others but not quite selflessly but with self interest which is gaining joy as we do God commands. I think this is really new concept for me. As I grow in my spiritual journey, I have once been taught that when I cant love others (say helping them), just help them anyway and the love will gradually grow. I have always adopted that concept which I think it is fair because one do not have any capability to love as all of us are naturally selfish. The concept of Love without self interest, loving selflessly was argued to be unbiblical in the light of 1 Corinthians 13:1. It was said that one can give their own body to be burnt but if the person had not love, the person gain nothing. It seems that paul was suggesting that gaining something from loving is good. Micah (chapter and verse I forgot) said that we are to love kindness.

Love is not mere doing sacrificial action and yet Love is not only feeling either. It is a combination of both, having feeling in doing sacrificial action. The feeling of joy and delight as we do God's commands. Joy is given by God, and thus we should ask God if we do not have joy when loving others, when we dont feel like doing it. God will certainly give, God had answered my prayer. God delights when He saves us, loves us. If God just do those things without joy or delight then I think His love is dead.

Just a side thing, I am actually in the middle of running experiment for my project. Today's results did not agree with last time, at least for half of the samples that I have to test. I am really disappointed. I wish I was still excited because the result might tell me something new that I had not known before. However, I am really running out of time and I have to obtain good reproducible data from my replicates and now my replicates are showing a different result compare to the other days. Can you understand what I feel? I would just have to take a deep breath. Anyhow, I have managed to invite more friends to our dialogue lunch for Jesus Week. I'm really glad at least :). I hope they would consider to come.

17 July 2007

Last semester begins

In Christ alone, My hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This cornerstone this solid ground
firm to fiercest drought and storm...

15 July 2007

Nyanyian dan doaku

I just read andy's blog on their day 4 at IFES World Assembly. It was very inspiring, hearing that few new student movements were built despite extreme persecution. They sang this beautiful hymn and so I pray:

Take my hands and let them move,
at the impulse of Thy love.
Take my feet and let them be
Swift and beautiful for Thee.
Take my silver and my gold,
not a mite would I withhold.
Take my intellect and use
Every power as Thy shalt choose.

Segala kemuliaan hanya bagi Tuhan. Soli Deo Gloria.

14 July 2007

I miss them...

Food from muara karang

Gado gado Boplo
(Salads with peanut sauce)

Mie ayam (chicken noodles)

Pempek Bing

(deep fried fish cake with egg in sweet vinegar sauce)

Nasi Tim ayam Muara Karang

(Muara Karang chicken steamed rice)

Thanks to Jenz_corner for photos. You reminded me of home :).

12 July 2007


I dont really feel like writing, in fact I made myself to do it because I'm really bad in writing so I need to practise. Anyhow, I had been reading to someone's blog who have been thinking about the folly of religions. He himself is leaning towards buddhism. Well, I was just wanting to write down my chain of thoughts and some questions.

I know you have had bad experience with evangelical christians particularly with those who claim to know everything and forcing you to believe in Jesus. I know it is bothering you when they say drink the poison and you will never die if you believe in Jesus. They are quoting:

"Later Jesus appeared to the Eleven as they were eating; he rebuked them for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him after he had risen.

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.

Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.

And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues;

they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”

After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God.

Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it." (Mark 16:14-20).

Well, I think when this passage is talking about "who believe" are people that believe the good news and the signs are with those who are going to share it. The signs are only to accompany, not the main thing. The main thing is the good news. It looks like what God has said to the disciples, God had confirmed (it's in the past) it by allowing the signs to happen just the way He had said it. I guess the signs are still continually happen nowadays, I mean people can get healed, but again these signs are just to accompany the preaching of the good news.

But when you tested them to drink it, they scared away. How can such faith make sense? I must say that I do not agree with them challenging you to accept Christ using the verse saying new believers in Jesus will not die with poison. Jesus did not use that verse to challenge people to accept him. I am glad that you are thinking about it and happy for you to challenge the evangelists.

Certainly, they miss the whole gospel, the good news, where Jesus God came to this earth to reconcile human and God. He died for our sins. You may think that you are a good person, you are not a sinner. But, the bible said that we are all have sinned against God.

If you look at a woman in lust you have committed adultery.

But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Matthew 5:28).

You may have cheated in the exam/assignment or being proud and selfish. All these hurts God. If someone hurts you, only you that has the right to forgive, am I correct? so it is God. You hurted him by your actions, only Him that has the right to forgive. Indeed, He does want to forgive you by sending Jesus. Now, God is not the same as a just another person. He is perfect, He sets the standard not the wisest or kindest person on the earth, it is God who sets the standard. No matter how wise or kind a man is, they are not perfect, they are not in control of everything, they have their hopeless time, and they may not truly happy with the way they are. Now, Jesus is perfect. When you meet God, Jesus is your shield because He is perfect. God will look to Him not you, your imperfection and so you may stand face to face.

You argued about praying to a statue, in your case, the statue of Buddha. It was said that you are not asking or praying to Buddha but rather remembering all that he has done and taught you, his wisdom, and meditating through his examples and how you may too follow the example. I accept your disagreements of being called a baal worshipper because you do not plead or pray to him. You do not consider him as God anyway. My challenge to you is asking you why do you settle with a good, wise, loving and kind, thoughtful man, Siddharta Gautama (forgive me If I spelled his name wrongly). I know you do not have faith and you only believe what you can see and where there are evidences. I would say sometimes we do not see what we ought to see. Things that we could not see, it does not mean that it is not there. Do we have the right to see God who is perfect and in control, with us being little puny creature and much imperfections? Do we dare to demand? only by God's grace. Who are we to claim that we are to comprehend God so that we may believe though I must say He does not leave us totally without knowledge about Him. If we are able to comprehend God fully, then we are God, not him.

You also mention about doing good without the fear of going to hell. Well, I'm glad you understand the joy of doing good, not doing good for the sake of its wages which is heaven. I'm not sure whether you think that hell exists. If you do, why do you think hell exist? Who decide someone to go to hell? the person must be more powerful than humans, must at least at higher level, higher standard than human can do. If you cannot see God, it does not mean that there is no God.

You also talked about the ultimate goal of human is to be happy. But, I thought buddhism taught that desires bring a lot of misery, so it is better to deny desire, not to have desire. What about the desire to be happy? to do good? Do you expect to experience your true happiness in this world, as the result of your good deeds? because I do not think happiness is always a cause and effect thing. If you are looking for the realization of your true happiness on this earth, I dont think that your good deeds are always going to result in happiness e.g. success, health, fame, wise, etc.

"Patung bukanlah kriteria ajaran kami. Ada atau tidak ada patung tidak menjadi masalah. Guru besar kami sama sekali tidak mengajarkan pemujaan patung guna menuju kebahagiaan sejati. Tindakan melalui pikiran, ucapan dan jasmani yang senantiasa terkendali serta jauh dari keserakahan, kebencian dan kebodohan batin merupakan syarat mutlak untuk merealisasi kebahagiaan sejati. Setiap mahluk mengharapkan kebahagiaan, namun kebahagiaan tidak dapat muncul karena berdoa, meminta-minta.
Kebahagiaan merupakan akibat, dan akibat akan muncul apabila ada sebab tepat yang mendahuluinya. Sebab yang baik pasti akan menimbulkan akibat yang baik; sebaliknya sebab yang buruk akan menimbulkan akibat yang buruk pula. Proses sebab akibat ini akan berlangsung selama kondisi-kondisi penunjangnya terpenuhi; mereka berproses secara alamiah. Pengertian yang benar mengenai proses inilah yang menyebabkan saya secara sukarela berusaha melakukan kebaikan tanpa tergiur oleh janji/iming-iming surga dan secara sukarela pula
berusaha tidak melakukan kejahatan, tanpa diliputi rasa takut akan ancaman neraka. Semoga uraian kenyataan di atas dapat meredakan kesalahpahaman antar penganut religius." [Slamet Rodjali] [Buletin Dharma Manggala Mei 2007]

Oh and we pray before we eat is not to show off, that we are holier than you are. It is to express our gratitude to God the ultimate provider. If you argue that our non-christians parents may grawl at us by not thanking them of their hard work to provide for us, well I think we should thank God for them, for the success that God gives to them in their work, their ability to work and in so doing to provide for us. You see, God is still the ultimate provider, not dependent on my parents ability to provide.

Yes, some of the tele-evangelists committed adultery and were not transparent in handling money. You are also aware of prosperity doctrines being taught. I dont like what they do or what they preach. I challenge you to challenge what they say and not just taking it like that, or totally discard christianity. I know...sadly I have to say that it is hard to ask you not to look at them as christians representatives. They bore Jesus name everywhere they go. But, yea trust me not every christian is like that. I do not agree with prosperity doctrines, not for the sake of having arguements with people but I question that it is biblical. I found prosperity doctrines contradict with what Jesus said

For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows (1 Titus 6:10).

And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God (Matthew 19:24)

So yeaaa...have a think.

07 July 2007

Praise the Lord

Immortal, Invisible God only wise
in light in accessible hid from our eyes
Most blessed, Most glorious, The Ancient of Days
Almighty, victorious, Thy great name We praised

To all, life Thou givest, to both great and small
In all life, Thou livest, the true life of all
We blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree
And wither and perish but naught changeth Thee
Great Father of glory, pure Father of light
Thine angels adore Thee, all veiling their sight
All praise we would render, O help us to see
'Tis only the splendor of light hideth Thee

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost


"Immortal, Invisible" and "Doxology"

Amazing grace

Amazing grace,
How sweet the sound,
that save a wretch like me,
I once was lost,
But now am found,
Was blind but now I see.

'Twas grace that taught
My heart to fear
and grace my fears relieved
How precious did
That grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Amazing grace by John Newton

Thank you Jesus for bringing me to your throne of grace, allowing me to stand boldly before you everyday. I give up striving to the perfection and accept what you have done for me.

"When sin abounded, Grace did much more abound." (A.W. Tozer)

01 July 2007

TSCF Conference "Eternity" 07

I thought I should leave a blurb about the conference that just ended today. It was awesome!! I had a wonderful time at the conference and really thank God for encouraging me once again. Now, I'm back in the battlefield...Palmy, NZ.

Some 'Aha!' from the conference:

The Thessalonians were people that were not only turn to God but determined to make resolution for their life. What you would do when no one is watching? In other words, the true you will be revealed in what you do when no one is around.

A big one that God was speaking and challenging me throughout the whole week was about Boldness. Andrew shared quotes from J. Piper:

“Why are we often not bold?

1. The love of human acceptance and praise
2. The love of comforts and security that money can buy”

I found that’s very true. He said that they are like diseases that paralyze men. I was silent when I supposed to say something, too caught up with what people are going to say or think. I plead to God, I want to change. I am learning to receive acceptance and praise from God alone, and soaking my mind with the truth of the scripture everyday.

Other quotes that I like from Andrew:

"A person who is always available is not worthy when he/she is available."

A person who never make a time for solitude, to think things through, to made amends with God, they are not worthy to listen to, “not fully there” when he/she is available.

Andrew also stressed about the importance of community. Satan hates it when people gather together, showing love and kindness to one another. He is trying to destroy it through TV, computers, things that cut off people’s contact with each other.

"A trial is not as crucial as how you respond to it".

"To live without suffering is to die without glory."

“Suffering...we are destined for them. Your hard times have been placed there by God.” (1 Thessalonians 3:3-4)

Job saw his suffering as coming from God, not from Satan. I was struggling about the issue of pain and questioning God’s sovereignty over suffering. Andrew shared that Satan uses two weapons to test us: pain and pleasure. Our pain makes God appears powerless. But, God remains sovereign over suffering that we went through. God was able to use the wickedness of Joseph’s brothers and turned it for Joseph’s good. Joseph realized that and did not regret it.

“In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (2 Tim 3:12)

Verses above confirm that we Christian sooner or later in our walk with God will definitely face persecution which means pain and not pleasant moments. In fact, these verses ridicule the pursuit of being well, healthy, comfortable, trouble-free, and prosperous in this earth especially for those who are in Christ. Does God promise all that? Though if you have one of them you are not sinning, it is a gift from God.

But, are we to be discouraged to know this?
Paul said that these momentary troubles are not comparable to the coming glory that we are going to receive. Paul prayed that He may learn the meaning of sharing in the fellowship of Christ’s suffering. We should cultivate deep consciousness moment by moment, our dependency on Christ and prepare for adversity and death.

I was really inspired by Nigel's closing talk, was disappointed that Andrew did not touch the coming of the Lord the last chapter in 1 Thessalonians...I was expecting to hear coming to the conference. But, God did challenge me through his talks. I dont really like the way Dave presented the evening talk, was rather difficult to follow. But, one of his stories was really challenging and inspiring...showing grace to young Sharne.

Being Asian

"The Equation that causes Heart abrasion (or Ingredients for a potion That causes a huge commotion)

1 part of Confucian thought
1 part of Western thought
1 part incredibly high parental standards
1 part Model Minority

Toss into an unbreakable mixing bowl. With a blender, mixed at high speed for about 20 years.
Makes 1 large serving of Driven, Perfectionistic, Schizophrenic Young Person. Best served with side dish of kimchi, sushi, or jiao zi. Caution: sweet first bite may be followed by bitter aftertaste." - Following Jesus without dishonoring your parents

I think we should recognise the philosophy we are living (if you are not an asian, it may give some insights about your asian friends). Drive and perfectionism are so rooted in us Asians that we may not realize it (what I mean is not realizing the detrimental effects). We use them in our study and God's ministry. We continually strive for the best not realizing when we are heaping ourselves with unnecessary burdens. Jesus Christ has brought acceptance, grace, and forgiveness. We do not have to take the burden to become perfect and always on top of everything. We should learn to accept and expect failures, made by self and others. Be patient with one another.

28 April 2007


Why does denomination exist?

Is there example from the bible that talk about this and support this to happen?

Are the matters we are differing really unnecessary matters that is not specifically mentioned in the bible, or some uncertainties from translation?

How do we keep the unity in Christ without compromising the truth of the bible?

22 April 2007

Driving in the Phillipines

Their billboard says,

Drive slow......and see our country
Drive fast.......and see our jail

21 April 2007


I had a chat with my teacher who taught christianity at school back home. After that, I was really challenged to find out more about God, to learn what He has revealed to us through history and contemporary issues. I have always been blinded but as I am just being updated with some of the issues this age and how the bible has the answer, I am persuaded to learn more about this and to appreciate the word of God. My teacher encourages me and also the young ones to go back to the bible (sola scriptura, scripture is the first).

All Scripture is God‑breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
(2 Tim 3:16-17)

That is the word of God, passed down to us. To hope in Christ achievement on the cross, His resurrection, God's power and sovereignty, God's glory and infinite wisdom, yeah truly it is beautiful and worth more than we ever have in this world.

I found some teaching from churches has not been very strong or studied properly and so being taught to many people already. If we dont know our bible well, how are we going to discern such teachings. I am not saying that we should perfectly know the bible before listening to teachings but at least we should be desiring to know more and thus develop our knowledge bit by bit.

But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. (1 Peter 3:15)

Firstly, we are to set Christ as our Lord in our heart that means in all that we do, we do from what Christ has commanded us to do. Secondly, we are to be prepared, always, to give an answer to everyone... I had a look at the greek root of "answer" and it was apologia which means defense, advocate. So, what basically my zeal is to be able to defense for the hope that I have, not making it up, but to be able to present the truth before those whom disagree with God and His word and choose their own wisdom and knowledge. Hoping that God will save them from blindness, the trap that the evil set. The truth stands. I know to understand God fully is beyond human comprehension, that's not the goal. But, sometimes we are not doing more to know Him and sort of stop and easy to give up knowing God is ultimately beyond human comprehension. However, there are knowledge about Him and evidences from history, from other studies (logos: theology, anthropology, arts, music, sociology, etc) that all point to God, but we are not looking for it and thus we do not know. That's what I dont want to miss. In fact, as I talked to my teacher I discover more things that I dont know and didnt make time to find out that are valuable to know to give answer to those who ask about my hope in God.

The last bit of the verse also suggest about how I am to do it. It is to present the reasons that I have in gentleness and respect. So not out of rage and losing self-control. Hmmm, I kinda working at both (2nd and third) at the moment. In fact, three of them....everyday. But, it is such a joy to be able to do that, arent we ever more confident in God as we discover the truth about Him and His wisdom. May God help me in this.

12 April 2007

easter CaMp 07

Woohoow! Easter Camp 07, Praise the Lord!

I was really challenged and touched to be able to share the good news to my friends. They were very open and seriously want to consider the work that Jesus has done on the cross. In the end, some of them even asked for a bible (so keen to know more) and I am happy to be able to pass on my Taonga (Treasure - in maori). This treasure is not for us to keep but to be passed on to others. I pray and hope that these friends will continue to seek Him with all their heart, that they may trust in the Lord firmly and willingly repent.

I also had an opportunity to be put in a group with an old fren which I hardly talked to. I thought It'll be very difficult for us becos I was a bit scared with this person. She seems to be unapproachable. When we have the chance to discuss things, I found that God actually has been working in her life and she was asking lotsa questions and willingly consider the answers the bible have. I was pretty stunt and full of joys of course.

So that was pretty special. I had a talk to couple of friends from Indo and it was a joy to be able to encourage them to keep going in their journey with God. Praise the Lord because they are all christians already.

I myself had an awesome break after that. Two days just spending time with God and He's been encouraging me from a book called "guidance and voice of God". Scott recommended the book. I am convinced that God has been providing us always since old times with with His own words in the bible. How much He has been speaking to me every morning and might be shouting at me. I was really challenged whether I do consider His words to be that precious. The book also points things such as feeling of peace, visions, dreams, still voice etc that people seek to accompany God's word and make decisions. This is kind of show that God's words are not sufficient and the most authoritative for us to make decisions. I know Making decisions is hard. There are things that the Bible did not specify and we are confused with what to do. God's main concern is on matter of righteousness. If it is not, may be they dont matter too much.

I am also more confident of God's sovereignty over everything in my life. I am more peaceful and at rest knowing that even through mistakes (bad decisions) I made God is able to accomplish His ultimate purpose which is to present me pure and blameless, like Christ before Himself.

It also raised questions such as the justice of God when He only shows mercy to whom He wants to show mercy. I found that God is completely just. It is fully just for us to recieve punishment over the things that we do wrong against God. But, God grant mercy to whom He wants to have mercy and I have been granted that mercy. To those He didnt grant mercy, He still remains completely just and blameless because simply we (all of us) deserve punishments. It is also to show how great and precious God's mercy on us.

What a Joy!

02 April 2007

You dont wanna hear

Aiyahh. I am so stressed out, so worried. Why some people can just cruise along things alright. It is craZy. This Week I have:


Spread group Meeting
Develop experimental plan for my fourth year project
Prepare presentation materials


Meeting from 8-11 am for Advanced Food Tech
Get a Medical certificate for immigration purpose
Presentation practise


Experiental Plan checks
TSO presentation in the afternoon

Oh dear Lord, I am so in need of your help. I cant stand it. I so need a long long break. SOmehow I want a break but I cant have it. I dun want to worry, I'm trying to save up my energy to do work but I cant. I just want to cry. I guess the people that I'm working with are not my friends and that makes things difficult. We have different schedule and whenever we tried to meet there's always something on. So getting annoyed with each other.

28 March 2007

sSo Tired ;(

Oh dear, another crazy week. I think everyone in the fourth year food tech is studying hard to finish the race. 50%. 50% of the points to get my whole degree is obtained this Year. Sigh sigh, everything is chasing me up. But God truly truly has been good to me. I think my assignment is aint that bad after all excpt my fourth yr project that is not looking good. Surely, as you live Lord, you know this very well. Oh I pray that I may finish well.

25 March 2007

Lord I dont know

Lord I don't know where all this is going or how it all works out
Lead me to peace that pass understanding... (Newsboys)

This song reminds me of Esther. I remembered the time when I was stuck. She chucked the CD to me and ask me to have a listen. I listened to the song again tonite and my spirit was lifted up. Thank God for her.

I want a simple happy life!

The title for this post is a sentence that I often heard from people whether they are christians or not. I know because it is easy and free from troubles. But, I have also heard that we grow and we learn from tough times so even if they are undesirable, really trouble is somewhat good for us. It is difficult to say this but it used to be more difficult than now. I guess I have started to see that the purpose of the challenges I am facing and I can really say that it is for my good. If we want a simple happy life that means we have not seen it that it will grow us or may be we do not desire to grow. I do not mean to depress anyone. People think that problems are bad for them. But God said that we still can have joy in the midst of our problems. If we choose to refuge under God, He promised that he will be with us in trouble. I am not saying that He is not able to take away troubles, He is able. But if He means 'troubles' to shape us, do you think he will take it away? no, not until His purpose of growing us is accomplished. Although, He can, if we keep insisting not to grow and think that our plan (which is to be freed from the current trouble) is the best. I suggest to ask God about the hardship you are facing, to reveal His plan.

I do believe that God is in control of all things. Satan really does not like us to love God and have relationship with Him. He will try do evil things on us but God will only allow evil things to be done to us if He sees that is something good for us. God is trustworthy and He knows what He is doing. The hardships we are facing could be means to show His power and to clean us from unrighteousness.


I heard from pastor today about Love. He said Love is a commitment not mere feelings. I thought wow, that's very true. Otherwise, it will be so rough whe feelings did not match and how easily feelings change.

I just look at my friends, they are really precious gifts. At times, my feeling is so easily swayed, moody and it affects the words I say to people. When I dont agree with people, it is very often that I would overreact to it and become defensive. I feel bad and embarassed when I did that but their acceptance and understanding is admirable. They did not stop being my friend just because of that. I'm humbled by that. The example they give me is showing their commitment. I want to learn to love them and forgive their mistakes because I'm not immune to them either.

17 March 2007

Worship Songs

Worship songs nowadays are coming from various music streams from rock to pop, from noisy to quiet. But whether the stream matters or lyrics matters? In the olden days, worship songs were known mostly to be hymns, composed by people that fear God and really God centered songs. Nowadays, you could find contemporary christian worship songs which not only hymns but rock music with religious lyrics. One denomination has analysed the culture that create music streams such as rock, pop, gospel, jazz, etc. Apparently, rock music came out from secular society, society that is rebelious and not God fearing. In the end, they indeed only sing hymns and despise contemporary worship songs, I mean only singing songs that are contemplative and reflective which are quieter. Other churches (from different denominations), they have decided to sing more contemporary songs and hardly hymns being sung, probably only amazing grace and how great thou art. May be they have moved according to "what's in nowadays".

Personally, I found hymns more often to be doctrinally sound. It was true that they were made in a society that love God and genuinely seek him. In the case of contemporary worship songs, I found that there are songs lacking in the joy in Christ and self-centered. I dont know...somehow lacking the depth. But, I have found contemporary songs that are doctrinally sound and I am very pleased really. I think we shouldnt just shut down completely to contemporary songs an only sing hymns. But, I dont like the lack of depth and dont agree with self-centered songs. Songs that will make me feel good, loved, great, protected, secured etc that the experience is almost like ecstacy. Getting a dose to keep you going. I dont think that's right. We should be reminding each other and reminded of what Christ have accomplished for us, the joy of being saved, of knowing God is in control of everything eventhough we are in tough times and cant control it. Remembering of who God is and not focus on our problems. Regarding the culture of rock music that was from secular motives, I think if the song is biblical then why not.

It is true that some preach Christ out of envy and rivalry, but others out of goodwill. The latter do so in love, knowing that I am put here for the defense of the gospel. The former preach Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely, supposing that they can stir up trouble for me while I am in chains. But what does it matter? The important thing is that in every way, whether from false motives or true, Christ is preached. And because of this I rejoice. (Phil 1:15-18)

If Christ is preached through music that was coming from secular motives then it is alright.

22 February 2007

I'm tired!

I'm really tired these days. I didnt get enough sleep...either i was worrying about something or i had something to do. I just so much to do and at times saying "No" is hard. Well, sometimes when i said no, people turn away from me or saying sumting bad, not appreciating that I've really considered everything. I cant do everything! hoh, so frustrating. Why do i care so much of what people think...and why do i afraid of them...ughhhh.

21 February 2007

Is uncertainty good for you?

These days I'm faced with a lot of uncertainties and they stress me out! But, really uncertainty is actually an opportunity to trust God. I remember that I asked God to make me to trust Him more. May be this is it, the grant for my request. At times, I do slip out, not trusting God but just get so focus on my problem and forget about God. But, I was reminded in Hebrew that we are to make every effort to come to rest in God. But, I know how much we need the help from Holy Spirit to do so. So...I guess uncertainty is good for you.

04 January 2007

Joking lahhh

Three men were out sea fishing when one of them hooked a mermaid. She promised to grant each of them a wish if they'd let her go.

"OK," said the first fisherman. "I want you to double my intelligence." No sooner had he made request than he found himself reciting Shakespeare's Macbeth.

"Jeez!" the second man exclaimed. "In that case, I want you to triple my intelligence." He immediately started spouting Einstein's equations on the theory of relativity.

"That's amazing!" the third fisherman yelled. "Quintuple my intelligence!"

"Are you sure?" the mermaid asked him. "You might not like the outcome."

"I'm sure. Just do it," the man said.

He closed his eyes to wait for the wish to be granted and - poof! - he turned into a woman.

Danny Hochstetler (RD March 2006)

I thought that was funny! hehe.

02 January 2007

Reading Exodus

I was reading Exodus 32, when the Israelites forced Aaron to build them an idol so they could sacrifice burnt offerings. God was so angry (v. 9-10) and wanted to destroy the Israelites. But then Moses prayed and asked God to relent and forgive them. God did listen to moses' prayer.

I understand that God is holy and jealous because the Israelites did not give the glory and honor He deserved. Thus, the Israelites are to be punished because of the sin they made against God. Later on because moses' asked God, God decided to forgive them. I thought God really has mercy on moses that He will allow him to speak and plead for Israelites. Dont you think that God already plan to forgive the Israelites even before Moses asked him? Why He showed his anger first and until Moses asked about it then God relent. It seems that moses had power. Has God chosen 'prayer' that would 'allow' (sort to speak) Him to act further (in this case to forgive the Israelites)?

On Chapter 33:11, it was said that the Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as a man speaks with his friend. Also, some interesting things on the same verse, when moses would return to the camp, his young aide Joshua actually did not leave the tent of meeting (where the presence of the Lord is). Joshua must have 'enjoyed' the presence of God, dont you think? hehe.

Later on (same chapter), v. 20, the Lord said to moses that he can not see God's face, for no one may see God and live. I just wander what has happened in v. 11. Did moses actually speak with the Lord face to face? If not, why is it written so.

About the book, I quite like when Jethro gave advices to moses to delegate the task of settling disputes to trustworthy men. So moses wouldnt have to carry huge burden. Oh also, when moses saw the Israelites were worshipping the golden calf, he thrown the two stone tablets inscribed by the finger of God, and broke it to pieces. Waaaa, Moses lost his CooL. I thought Moses must be really really angry but I dunno whether It was regarded as sinning against God. God did not rebuke him right away but later on asked moses to bring another two stone tablets. Ckckck. God must be so patient with him.