Udah lama gua gak ngeblog. Udah lama pengen nulis. Tadi bersyukur bisa ikut ke persekutuan doa. Udah lama gak ke PD rasanya teh kagak enak. Gua jujur dulu merasa keberatan ke PD tapi sekarang kok rasanya beda, rasanya kepengennn ke PD, kepengeeennn seperti Maria. Tambah sibuk jadi gak punya waktu buat berpikir banyak.
Anyway, tadi gua sempet nangkep sedikit mengenai tema tadi. Petrus si sanguin yang gagal trus bangkit lagi memang menjadi pelajaran buat gua, untuk gak cepat putus asa, gakj tinggal dalam kegagalan tapi bangkit terus bersama YEsus. Yess, saya mau bangkit karena bersama Yesus pasti ada jalan keluar.
Gua renungan pake my utmostny Oswald chambers juga banyak membuat gua berpikir tentang decision in life. Renungannya banyak challenge gua deh.
"His purpose is for me to depend on Him and on His power now. God is not working towards a particular finish, His purpose is the process itself."
"But if He desires knowledge and insights into the teachings of Jesus Christ, He can only obtain it through obedience."
"Even at the risk of being thought as fanatical, you must obey what God tells you."
""I will never leave you..."---not for any reason, not my sin, selfishness, stubborness, nor waywardness."
"our personal property are to be a matter of indifference to us, and our hold on these things should be very loose. If this is not the case, we will have panic, heartache, and distress. Having the proper outlook is evidence of the deeply rooted belief in the overshadowing of God's personal deliverance"
"My goal is God Himself, not joy nor peace. Nor even blessings but Himself, my God"
very explainable quote. doakanlah...lagi bingung apakah gua berjalan di sekuler atau harus banting setir. pun kalo banting setir, darimanakah courage yang kudapat? apa yang harus gua lakuin, gua butuh fokus. hehehe. anyway, meanwhile, all the process/tests that God wants me to pass, let me glorify Him in everything I do. Let me have a clear vision. Let me go through what I must go through, grow in grace, learn and be mature through all circumstances.
All in all recognising God, knowing Him and enjoying Him forever :). That is complete satisfaction.