18 October 2006


This photo was sent by one of my indo fren. I really like it. They came to perform one of the Indonesian dance at OCF concert Night. It was much fun. We used to have Indo group at Massey but because the leaders went home and I started to get involved with OCF, the group did not continue. But, most of them now come to OCF which is a real blessing. Last semester, it used to be only one Indonesian in OCF which is me. Hehe. But, God sent four extras this semester. I hope they have learnt alot from the Word as I have gained so much knowledge about God in the past two years. I pray that we all grow to know God and have an intimate relationship with Him.

1 comment:

Ian L said...

Thats really cool lilis! I guess it can be lonely sometimes being the only indonesian OCF...well, the key is to keep praying and trusting, we have a young bunch of people keen to learn more about God and let us keep upholding them in prayer =)