01 July 2007

TSCF Conference "Eternity" 07

I thought I should leave a blurb about the conference that just ended today. It was awesome!! I had a wonderful time at the conference and really thank God for encouraging me once again. Now, I'm back in the battlefield...Palmy, NZ.

Some 'Aha!' from the conference:

The Thessalonians were people that were not only turn to God but determined to make resolution for their life. What you would do when no one is watching? In other words, the true you will be revealed in what you do when no one is around.

A big one that God was speaking and challenging me throughout the whole week was about Boldness. Andrew shared quotes from J. Piper:

“Why are we often not bold?

1. The love of human acceptance and praise
2. The love of comforts and security that money can buy”

I found that’s very true. He said that they are like diseases that paralyze men. I was silent when I supposed to say something, too caught up with what people are going to say or think. I plead to God, I want to change. I am learning to receive acceptance and praise from God alone, and soaking my mind with the truth of the scripture everyday.

Other quotes that I like from Andrew:

"A person who is always available is not worthy when he/she is available."

A person who never make a time for solitude, to think things through, to made amends with God, they are not worthy to listen to, “not fully there” when he/she is available.

Andrew also stressed about the importance of community. Satan hates it when people gather together, showing love and kindness to one another. He is trying to destroy it through TV, computers, things that cut off people’s contact with each other.

"A trial is not as crucial as how you respond to it".

"To live without suffering is to die without glory."

“Suffering...we are destined for them. Your hard times have been placed there by God.” (1 Thessalonians 3:3-4)

Job saw his suffering as coming from God, not from Satan. I was struggling about the issue of pain and questioning God’s sovereignty over suffering. Andrew shared that Satan uses two weapons to test us: pain and pleasure. Our pain makes God appears powerless. But, God remains sovereign over suffering that we went through. God was able to use the wickedness of Joseph’s brothers and turned it for Joseph’s good. Joseph realized that and did not regret it.

“In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted.” (2 Tim 3:12)

Verses above confirm that we Christian sooner or later in our walk with God will definitely face persecution which means pain and not pleasant moments. In fact, these verses ridicule the pursuit of being well, healthy, comfortable, trouble-free, and prosperous in this earth especially for those who are in Christ. Does God promise all that? Though if you have one of them you are not sinning, it is a gift from God.

But, are we to be discouraged to know this?
Paul said that these momentary troubles are not comparable to the coming glory that we are going to receive. Paul prayed that He may learn the meaning of sharing in the fellowship of Christ’s suffering. We should cultivate deep consciousness moment by moment, our dependency on Christ and prepare for adversity and death.

I was really inspired by Nigel's closing talk, was disappointed that Andrew did not touch the coming of the Lord the last chapter in 1 Thessalonians...I was expecting to hear coming to the conference. But, God did challenge me through his talks. I dont really like the way Dave presented the evening talk, was rather difficult to follow. But, one of his stories was really challenging and inspiring...showing grace to young Sharne.

1 comment:

Trudi said...

Hey Lilis! Yeap conference was really wonderful. Sorry for not being able to catch up with you, always only saying hi and bye to you.. sigh. but now that i found this site of yours i'll have an idea of things in your life =) keep up the faith and God bless!