I have been reading the book called "Captivating" by John and Stasi Eldredge. In the beginning, when I read the first couple of chapters, I have a saturated mind with "Is this true?" question. So I went to their website and read their statements of faith. You can check it as well at www.ransomedheart.com
After I read their beliefs, I felt more comfortable reading the book. Most of the concepts: their view of Adam and Eve roles in creation, particularly Eve are new to me. If all that were said are true and I'm fully convinced, I think I will live a different life. I'm still reading and trying to check it with the Word whether their statements are consistent with it. Anyway, I particularly like this quote:
[Women], you are passionately loved by the God of the universe.
[Women], you are passionately hated by His Enemy.
(Eldreges, 2005)
I would recommend this review on the book. Remember that having an ok statement of faith doesn't mean that they necessarily follow it!
Just a note, that review has a few pages to it.
Good on you for checking stuff out and lining it up with the Word! Keep it up!
Thanks Scott for recommending the review. It's really helpful. Man, that book is shocking!! I must confess that eventho I tried to check it with the Word still there are many things I dont understand
and so it wasnt adequate.
Most of the things discussed from the review I didnt realise it before. Only the one that seemed very strange is when the Eldreges suggested that our relationship with Jesus will be a romantic one.
The book is very comforting especially for us broken people. But we didnt realise that it was selfish and not biblical.
I can agree with the correction in d review because I have come across the passages in the book. It is really disappointing when "who God is" is compromised to fit what we need. But, oh it's so easy to do.
Oh and about having statement of faith but not necessarily follow it ==> it's a nuisance! Hehehe.
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