16 December 2007

Pengakuan Iman Rasuli (Confession of Faith)

The church that I go to in Jakarta get the congregation to recite the confession of faith and it goes like this:

Aku percaya kepada Allah, Bapa yang mahakuasa, Pencipta langit dan bumi. Dan kepada Yesus Kristus, AnakNya yang tunggal, Tuhan kita. Yang dikandung dari Roh Kudus, lahir dari anak dara Maria. Yang menderita sengsara dibawah pemerintahan pontius pilatus, disalibkan mati dan dikuburkan, turun kedalam kerajaan maut. Pada hari yang ketiga bangkit pula dari antara orang mati. Naik ke sorga, duduk disebelah kanan Allah, Bapa yang Mahakuasa. Dan dari sana Ia akan datang, untuk menghakimi orang yang hidup dan yang mati. Aku percaya kepada Roh Kudus. Gereja yang kudus dan sempurna, persekutuan orang kudus. Pengampunan dosa. Kebangkitan tubuh. Dan hidup yang kekal. Amin.

I was surprised with that because none of the churches that I go to these years have similar tradition. This is the essence of christian faith not the act of reciting the confession of faith but the biblical truths. I am personally very delighted and blessed as I recite these because they remind me of the true hope not in material wealth but in God and the joy of being loved by the Almighty. The challenge for the churches that include this recitation in theri liturgy is to do it beyond rituals so that they may not appear to be plain words but source of great encouragement and joy. I also enjoy singing doxology at the end of the service, it is the correct conclusion :). I like the english version better because somehow the translated version has limited meanings.

Puji Allah Bapa Putra
Puji Allah Rohul Kudus
KetigaNya yang Esa
Pohon Slamat
Sumber Berkat
Amin Amin Amin

Praise God from whom all blessings flow
Praise Him all creatures here below
Praise Him above the Heavenly Hosts
Praise Father Son and Holy Ghost
Amen Amen Amen

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