21 April 2007


I had a chat with my teacher who taught christianity at school back home. After that, I was really challenged to find out more about God, to learn what He has revealed to us through history and contemporary issues. I have always been blinded but as I am just being updated with some of the issues this age and how the bible has the answer, I am persuaded to learn more about this and to appreciate the word of God. My teacher encourages me and also the young ones to go back to the bible (sola scriptura, scripture is the first).

All Scripture is God‑breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.
(2 Tim 3:16-17)

That is the word of God, passed down to us. To hope in Christ achievement on the cross, His resurrection, God's power and sovereignty, God's glory and infinite wisdom, yeah truly it is beautiful and worth more than we ever have in this world.

I found some teaching from churches has not been very strong or studied properly and so being taught to many people already. If we dont know our bible well, how are we going to discern such teachings. I am not saying that we should perfectly know the bible before listening to teachings but at least we should be desiring to know more and thus develop our knowledge bit by bit.

But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect. (1 Peter 3:15)

Firstly, we are to set Christ as our Lord in our heart that means in all that we do, we do from what Christ has commanded us to do. Secondly, we are to be prepared, always, to give an answer to everyone... I had a look at the greek root of "answer" and it was apologia which means defense, advocate. So, what basically my zeal is to be able to defense for the hope that I have, not making it up, but to be able to present the truth before those whom disagree with God and His word and choose their own wisdom and knowledge. Hoping that God will save them from blindness, the trap that the evil set. The truth stands. I know to understand God fully is beyond human comprehension, that's not the goal. But, sometimes we are not doing more to know Him and sort of stop and easy to give up knowing God is ultimately beyond human comprehension. However, there are knowledge about Him and evidences from history, from other studies (logos: theology, anthropology, arts, music, sociology, etc) that all point to God, but we are not looking for it and thus we do not know. That's what I dont want to miss. In fact, as I talked to my teacher I discover more things that I dont know and didnt make time to find out that are valuable to know to give answer to those who ask about my hope in God.

The last bit of the verse also suggest about how I am to do it. It is to present the reasons that I have in gentleness and respect. So not out of rage and losing self-control. Hmmm, I kinda working at both (2nd and third) at the moment. In fact, three of them....everyday. But, it is such a joy to be able to do that, arent we ever more confident in God as we discover the truth about Him and His wisdom. May God help me in this.

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