31 May 2008

How shall we fight for joy?

  1. Realize that authentic joy in God is a gift
  2. Realize that Joy must be fought for relentlessly
  3. Resolve to attack all known sin in your life
  4. Learn the secret of gutsy guilt: how to fight like a justified sinner
  5. Realize that the battle is primarily a fight to see God for who He is
  6. Meditate on the Word of God day and night
  7. Pray earnestly and continually for open heart-eyes and an inclination for God
  8. Learn to preach to yourself rather than listen to yourself
  9. Spend time with God-saturated people who help you see God and fight the fight
  10. Be patient in the night of God seeming absence
  11. Get the rest, exercise, and proper diet that your body was designed by God to have
  12. Make a proper use of God's revelation in nature
  13. Read great books about God and biographies of great saints
  14. Do the hard loving thing for the sake of others- witness and mercy
  15. Get a global vision for the cause of christ and pour yourself out for the unreached

by John Piper

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