31 December 2008

2009 New Year Resolutions

I thought it will be great to take time to think through some of the things God wants me to do next year. As Ray Ortlund said, "These are steps I am taking, in courage and obedience, to help me establish an inner life of rest and trust in God.” And then he said, “These things don’t get me to heaven, but they help heaven get to me.”

My 2009 Resolutions:
  • I choose to set a regular time to read the Bible and pray (%)
  • I refuse to submit to peer pressure/human expectations and choose to only do what God has called me to do
  • I resolve to take a step further in my pilgrimage of conquering fear of man (*)
  • I resolve to be firm and clear in saying "NO" when I really must do so
  • I resolve to trust God more in particular areas of my life: career, relationships, health
  • I resolve to pray diligently for my parent's salvation
  • I resolve to be less judgmental towards myself and others; Remembering my own desperate need in the abundance and saving work of God's grace.
  • I resolve to practice femininity, modesty, and biblical womanhood so that I may be an example of virtue in a world of confusion (*)
  • I resolve to act on things that are eternal and furthering to God's kingdom, and when fallen into temporal living, to cry out for grace that He may once again show me His big picture (*)
(%) inspired by Ray Ortlund
(*) inspired by Jenny, daughter of Del Fehsenfeld Jr.

I am looking forward to the joy and hardships of 2009. Only...may Heaven downs on me.

Domine Fili Unigenite by Antonio Vivaldi

PS: It's a beautiful piece. A pity...couldn't get a better video quality.

28 December 2008

Refleksi dan Ucapan Syukur 3

Saya mau bersyukur lagi hehehe. Tidak ada habis-habisnya kasih setia Tuhan. Saya pokoknya mau bersyukur atas anugrah Tuhan yang tak terhingga, anugrahNya bagi semua manusia baik yang sudah percaya maupun belum percaya. Saya orang yang banyak menerima truth tetapi sedikit mengetahui grace (or mengalami). The life that I am living mirrored what I know...much judging and less mercy. Jesus is full of grace and truth...thus truth and grace must be in balance.

Tahun ini tahun yang penuh kesukaran, tapi juga berkat dan rekonsiliasi bagi saya. Tahun ini saya ke singapura tiga kali dan ke new zealand sekali. I've never traveled that much in a year in my whole life. Extremely need the break. I don't know why on earth I'd allow myself to go through much unnecessary stress which I am still recovering. I feel very stupid. I covet your prayers, bro and sis. O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, have mercy on me...

I wasn't too sure whether I must leave NZ after my graduation but God did reveal that it was for good to make a move from the land of long white clouds and He also gave me peace to come to this little Asian country located in semenanjung melaka. I had spoken in front of the church in Palmy that I might still be around for another year, but God's ways are not my ways, and I must, and I shall follow His direction. I am grateful to know that my brother belongs to a good church. I was even welcomed and befriended there.

There are a lot of temptations to "serve", taking a role at church but I know my turn is not yet come. This is still a period of rest and recovery for me. I even haven't come to a decision as to which church should I belong, though I already have in mind the options. The weirdest thing happened...as the Christmas time approaching, God somehow put in my heart that I should pray for strength to share the message (the gift, the good news) to someone at least one...lest the season past. It wasn't felt like a burden but it was rather compelling. So, I was given the opportunity to be part of a choir, but it was not the thing I supposed to do. Then, IEC team served at Changi Prison Chapel, there I was moved to mix and mingle with the church visitors. I was grateful for L whom sit next to me...had a chance to accompany her. I was excited yet struggling with sincerity. I don't want to try to "convert" my new friend because no man can and I might not do it out of love. Then, I started wondering about what should I say...God gave me strength to pray with her. I really do hope that she'll come back to that little church and gave her life to Jesus. Ahh, it reminds me of SLC paraparaumu mall evangelism. God had strengthened me in much ways for I was timid, afraid, and not sincere.

Satu hal yang Tuhan bereskan dalam hidup gue yaitu hubungan gue dengan ortu...terutama juga kekhawatiran papa mengenai anak-anaknya yang suddenly semuanya menjadi kristen. Masalah pegang hio. Tapi aku sudah di encouraged kalau sudah ada peace memegang, harus konsisten. Yah...I felt much much peace about this matter. Bokap juga jadi lebih percaya sama pilihan-pilihan kita. Ahh, si papi yang lucu, keren dan gendut, juga baik, pemaaf dan bijaksana... I love you Daddy!!! Terima kasih kau sudah begitu pengertian. Saya salut, papi teh orangnya perduli dengan keluarganya, pintar berbisnis, pemaaf, generous...I am so proud of you!

Lord, I am so overwhelmed with my sins...I am no saint, Lord! I have been very proud of myself, my achievements and doubted you. You have given much...I have sacrificed a little. Have mercy, have mercy, have mercy on Lilis.

26 December 2008

Shadow Feet by Brooke Fraser

Walking, stumbling on these shadowfeet
toward home, a land that i've never seen
I am changing, less and less asleep
made of different stuff than when i began
and i have sensed it all along
fast approaching is the day

when the world has fallen out from under me
I'll be found in you, still standing
when the sky rolls up and mountains fall on their knees
when time and space are through
I'll be found in you

Theres distraction buzzing in my head
saying in the shadows it's easier to stay
but I've heard rumours of true reality
whispers of a well-lit way


You make all things new
You make all things new
You make all things new
You make all things
You make all things

When the world has fallen out from under me
I'll be found in you, still standing
Every fear and accusation under my feet
when time and space are through
I'll be found in you
when time and space are through
I'll be found in you
when time and space are through
I'll be found in you

Almighty God

Almighty - Parachute Band & Brooke Fraser

Baring all I stand here before you,
All my hurts exposed
In the depths of my despair
I cry out to you, make me whole.

There is nothing I can do to make you love me more,
Nothing I can do to make you love me less.
I get on my knees to lift my hands in worship and confess.

That you are the Lord God Almighty
I fall at your feet
And I fall oceans short of your Glory
Yet you stoop down and make me great
Almighty God.

Every day I choose again to love you
To keep your work in my heart
I give it all to you O Lord I surrender
Take every part.

Coz you are the Lord God Almighty
I fall at your feet And I fall oceans short of your Glory
Yet you stoop down and make me great
Almighty God.

25 December 2008

Career Fellowship Notes

What do we need to equip ourselves in the market place?
  1. Integrity
  2. Loyalty to God (ultimate)
  3. Equilibria (effort=reward, work should not sacrifice your quality of life, don't be stupid lah!)

Questions to ask before making decisions:
  1. Is it Necessary? (can we sell lotto tickets? don't be quick to say no. When someone has got no other choice but doing it, it is better for him than stealing)
  2. Is it good?
  3. Is it right?
    In order to help answering question no. 3, our standards will be:
    • Analogia Scriptural (according to your understanding of the scripture)
    • Analogia Fidei (according to your faith in Christ, that you are not going against your conscience)
    • Analogia Gratia (according to the grace you have received)
    • Analogia Deo Angelica (according to your experience with the gospel, the gospel is not dishonored, shamed by your decision)
Hope it's helpful! Soli Deo Gloria!

22 December 2008

Refleksi & Ucapan Syukur 2

Kemaren gue ke career fellowship yang dibawain oleh Prof. Joseph Tong. Aduh, Pak Joseph itu lucunya setengah mati. Tapi yang lebih penting lagi, gue belajar sesuatu yang baru dari career fellowship kemaren. Particularly pas I nanya bukankah yang Buddha dan Kristen tidak boleh dipersatukan dalam pernikahan. Ternyata jawaban yang didapat bukanlah a resounding "yes", itu hanya hasil interpretasi terhadap ayat yang ada di Korintus yang bilang do not be yoked with unbeliever. Pak Joseph cuma menyarankan caution, caution, caution. Each of our case or problem is unique and God does not give a particular formula to follow. Then He said...that God's grace is far more abundant than we can think of. Anugerah Tuhan itu jauh lebih besar dari yang kita bayangkan atau mengerti. WOW. He doesn't know...that sentence changed my whole perspective of the bible and my life. We are so easy...so fast to judge others and ourselves...but thankfully no human can ever judge us, only the gracious God. Gracious GOD. God knows the limit of your understanding in scripture, gospel experience, faith in Him,...don't let others come in between you and God and steal your peace.

God is far more gracious than we can imagine...
This sentence had made me ever hunger upon my pursuit in knowing God. I always wonder when He said that you didn't know what treasure you have on your hands (refer to the Bible)...you have not known the beauty of the scripture. wow. I am all for studying the bible and experiencing His grace ever more in my life.

I am grateful...I am grateful for the biblical teaching, honest exposition of the scripture (not emphasizing what we think, but daring to acknowledge the dual possibilities that seem contradicting or leaving much flexibility for us to interpret). God is glorified. I am deeply thankful.

20 December 2008

Dear Obedience

But I Don't Feel Called

A seminary student stopped me a few days ago to ask the question that troubles many young people today. It is not new. I struggled with it when I was a student, as I suppose people have for many centuries. "How can I tell if God is calling me? I don't really feel called."

Usually the question refers to a life's work. Nobody seems to stew very much about whether God is calling them to run down to the grocery store or take in a movie. We need groceries. We like movies. If the refrigerator is empty or there's a good movie in town, we jump into the car and go. Even Christians do this. Spiritual "giants" do it, I guess. They don't even pray about it. But this matter of the mission field. Oh, God, do you want me there? Shall I risk everything and launch out to some third world backwater, some waterless desert, some dreadful place where there are starving children, refugees, Marxists, dictators? Are you asking me to drag my wife, my children, to a place like that?

The call of God to Saul of Tarsus was dramatic--he was blinded, knocked flat, and clearly spoken to. God got his attention. But later in Antioch the Holy Spirit spoke to certain prophets and teachers. "Set apart Barnabas and Saul for me, to do the work to which I have called them." That was good enough. Barnabas and Saul obeyed the divine call, even though it came through other men.

It was during the Mass of the Feast of St. Matthias, in a chapel in the midst of a great, silent forest, that Francis of Assisi heard the call of God. It was not through an angel or a disembodied voice from beyond, but through the reading of the Gospel for that day: "Go and preach the message, 'The Kingdom of Heaven is at hand!' ...Freely you have received, freely give." When the young man heard the words read by the priest, he felt that God had finally illumined his path. He did not, however, trust his feelings. He asked the priest to explain the passage. The priest said that Christ's disciples were to preach repentance everywhere, to take nothing with them, and to trust God alone to supply their needs.

Francis thrilled with happiness at this revelation and exclaimed enthusiastically: "That is what I want! That is what I seek! That is what I long to do with all my heart!" On the instant, he threw away his staff, took off his shoes, and laid aside his cloak, keeping only a tunic; replaced his leather belt with a cord, and made himself a rough garment, so poor and so badly cut that it could inspire envy in no man.

Omer Englebert
St. Francis of Assisi

There are at least six lessons in this short story:

1. The man wanted God's direction.
2. He went to church, where he could hear godly preaching.
3. He listened to the Word of God.
4. He asked for help from one who was his spiritual superior.
5. He accepted the help.
6. He acted at once.

It is significant that he found in the words of the Lord the answer to a deep longing in his heart.

In C. S. Lewis's Preface to Paradise Lost, he describes Aeneas' unfaltering search for the "abiding city," his willingness to pay the terrible price to reach it at last, even though he casts a wistful side-glance at those not called as he is. "This is the very portrait of a vocation: a thing that calls or beckons, that calls inexorably, yet you must strain your ears to catch the voice, that insists on being sought, yet refuses to be found." Then there were the Trojan women who had heard the call, yet refused to follow all the way, and wept on the Sicilian shore. "To follow the vocation does not mean happiness," Lewis writes, "but once it has been heard, there is no happiness for those who do not follow."

Yes. My heart says yes to that. What agonies I suffered as a young woman, straining my ears to catch the voice, full of fear that I would miss it, yet longing to hear it, longing to be told what to do, in order that I might do it. That desire is a pure one. Most of our desires are tainted at least a little, but the desire to do the will of God surely is our highest. Is it reasonable to think that God would not finally reveal his will to us? Is it (we must also ask) reasonable not to use our powers of reason, given to us by him? Does it make more sense to go to the grocery store because groceries are needed than to go to foreign lands because workers are needed? If we deny the simple logic of going where the need is most desperate, we may, like the Trojan women, spend the rest of our lives suspended

Twixt miserable longing for present land
And the far realms that call by the fates' command.
Aeneid, V, 656

While Virgil wrote of mythical heroes, his lines echo the more ancient lines of the Psalms which are rich with assurances of God's faithful guidance of those who honestly desire it, and of the lasting rewards of obedience.

Happy the men whose refuge is in thee,
whose hearts are set on the pilgrim ways!
The Lord will hold back no good thing
from those whose life is blameless.
84:5, 11 NEB

Very near is the Lord to those who call to him, in singleness of heart.
He fulfills their desire if only they fear him."
145:18, 19 NEB

It is the sixth lesson from the St. Francis story that is most often overlooked. Obedience is action. Often we do not have any instant light on the particular question we've been asking God, but he has shown us something we ought to do. Whatever it is, however unrelated it may seem to the "big" decision, do it. Do it at once. We thus put ourselves in the path of God's will. A single step taken, if we have his Word as a lamp for our feet, throws sufficient light for the next step. Following the Shepherd we learn, like sheep, to know his voice. We will become acquainted with his call and will not follow a stranger's.

Copyright© 1988, by Elisabeth Elliot
all rights reserved.

19 December 2008

No Limit to His love

"This is how we know what real love is: Jesus gave his life for us."
I John 3:16

It’s nice to be included. You aren’t always. Universities exclude you if you aren’t smart enough. Businesses exclude you if you aren’t qualified enough, and sadly, some churches exclude you if you aren’t good enough.

But though they may exclude you, Christ includes you. When asked to describe the width of his love, he stretched one hand to the right and the other to the left and had them nailed in that position so you would know he died loving you.

But isn’t there a limit? Surely there has to be an end to this love. You’d think so, wouldn’t you? But David the adulterer never found it. Paul the murderer never found it. Peter the liar never found it. When it came to life, they hit bottom. But when it came to God’s love, they never did.

He Chose the Nails

-=- by Max Lucado -=-

18 December 2008

Refleksi & Ucapan syukur

Banyak euy yang mao direfleksiin. Tapi kalo mo disingkatin...Lilis teh puas dan berkecukupan sama semuanya yang dikasih (ini jadi rada sunda gara-gara bergabung dengan komunitas IEC hehe). Lilis teh bahagia pisann ;p.

Lilis teh bersyukur untuk:

- feeling better
- lebih bisa bobo
- lebih happy
- talk with Ev. A. Rumbo
- Teman2 dari IEC
- Adikku menerima Kristus
- Bisa jalan-jalan (maksudnya olahraga) sore
- Khotbah2 yang selama ini boleh jadi berkat
- Buku2 bermutu yang memang datang di waktu yg tepat
- Home sweet home di sg
- Sahabat2 gue (K & I... thanks heaps)
- Quote2 yang menginspirasi
- Beloved mom & dad
- Firman Tuhan yang boleh tersedia untuk diperdalam

Setiap sore pas lagi brisk walk, gue selalu merhatiin setiap orang yang berpapasan dengan gue. Karena jamnya biasanya sore, jam-jam pulang kantor, banyak banget tampang-tampang stress, bete, capek...kasian deh. Gue gak kepengen kayak gitu kalo pas kerja nanti. Seperti sukacitanya dicuri. Hiks syerem juga.

Trik-trik Iblis memang dari dulu sama, kita terkadang terlalu greedy in being, doing, having...refer to my older post on the Spirit of Greed by E. Elliot. Memang godaan untuk meningkatkan reputasi kita di mata orang itu banyak sekali. Tapi, bersyukur Tuhan selalu ingatkan kalo Dia mengasihi gue apa adanya, gak perlu melakukan, memiliki, atau menjadi itu semua. The thrill will soon grow dim, once you arrived at the top of your achievement. Because just then you'll realize that you can not just stop but keep working to maintain your performance. It's never ending...We feel cheated when the grass is greener somewhere else. Kembalilah kepada Bapa...because only in Him we can be truly satisfied.

to be continue...

17 December 2008

For God so loved by Albert B. Smith

For God so loved the world
He gave His only Son
To die on Calvary's tree
From sin to set me free
One day He'll come again
What glory that will be!
Wonderful His Love to me

Karna Allah cinta
dibrikan AnakNya
mati di golgota
membebaskan saya
Ia kan datang pula
Alangkah mulia!
KasihNya pada saya

16 December 2008

Come, thou long expected Jesus

Come, thou long-expected Jesus,
born to set thy people free;
from our fears and sins release us,
let us find our rest in thee.

Israel's strength and consolation,
hope of all the earth thou art:
dear desire of every nation,
joy of every longing heart.

Born thy people to deliver,
born a child, and yet a king,
born to reign in us for ever,
now thy gracious kingdom bring.

By thine own eternal Spirit
rule in all our hearts alone;
by thine all-sufficient merit
raise us to thy glorious throne.

Charles Wesley 1707-1788

Quote of the day

Do the thing you fear the most, and the death of fear is certain... -anonymous

Biblical Principles of Success

  1. To be successful in life, you have to first know God and His ways.
  2. To be successful in life, we have to become the people God created us to be. Nobody and nothing can keep us from being the person God has created us to be. Only we can keep that from happening.
  3. To be successful in life, we must be good stewards of that which God has entrusted to us.

From Freedom from fear by N. T. Anderson & R. Miller

14 December 2008

Advent Reading

To help with observing advent, I found an excellent bible reading from Scripture Union.

11 December 2008

Trust God

We are always held in the love of God. We are never wholly at the mercy of other people-they are only "second causes," and no matter how many second or third or fiftieth causes seem to be in control of what happens to us, it is God who is in charge, He who holds the keys, He who casts the lot finally into the lap.

Taken from Passion and Purity by E. Elliot

Advent weeks

Yesterday I was reminded of advent weeks I spent at Grace City Church back in NZ. My pastor has Anglican background so we normally gather together to sing hymns, prays, commit ourselves to the Lord, read scriptures waiting week after week (for 4 weeks) until the Christ candle being lit on Christmas day. Observing advent helps to prepare our hearts for Christmas. A chance to identify ourselves with the Israelites during the waiting period, full of expectation and longing to the coming of the Messiah, the promised One who will bring salvation and redemption.

May the Lord help us to wait.

09 December 2008

Life is about taking risks

To laugh is to risk appearing fool
To weep is to risk appearing sentimental
To reach out to another is to risk involvement
To expose feelings to another is to risk exposing your true self
To place your ideas, your dreams before a crowd is to risk their loss
To love is to risk not being loved in return
To live is to risk dying
To hope is to risk despair
To try is to risk failure

Only a person who risks is free...

Anonymous -

08 December 2008

We are weak but you are strong

When stormy winds against us break
stablish and reinforce our will;
O hear us for Thine own name's sake,
Hold us in strength and hold us still.

Still as the faithful mountains stand
Through the long silent years of stress
So would we wait at Thy right hand,
In quietness and steadfastnes.

But not of us this strength, O Lord.
And not of us this constancy
Our trust is Thine Eternal Word
Thy presence our security


Quotes of the Day

"The disposition...to leave the dearest objects of our hearts in the sublime keeping of the general and unspecific belief that God is now answering our prayers in His own time and way, in the best manner, involves a present process of inward crucifixion which is obviously unfavorable to the growth and even the existence of the life of self."

Inward Divine Guidance T. C. Upham

"Let not our longing slay the appetite of our living" J. Elliot

Forsake not the work of Thine own hands

Jehovah will perfect that which concerneth me
Thy lovingkindness, O Jehovah, endureth forever
Forsake not the work of Thine own hands

Psalm 138:8

Thank you Lord for reminding me... the beauty of Thy everlasting love

04 December 2008


Click to view my Personality Profile page

Quote of the day

The heart that is constantly overflowing with gratitude will be safe from those attacks of resentfulness and gloom that bothers so many persons - A.W. Tozer

03 December 2008

Things the employees should know

Cubicle Wisdom

1. If you do a good job and work hard, you may get a job with a better company
2. The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off due to budget cuts.
3. Sure, you may not like working here, but we pay your rent.
4. Rome did not create a great empire by having meetings -- they did it by killing
all those who opposed them.
5. A person who smiles in the face of adversity probably has a scapegoat.
6. If at first you don't succeed--try management.
7. Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
8. Never quit until you have another job.
9. Hang in there: Retirement is only 30 years away!
10. Go the extra mile--It makes your boss look like an incompetent slacker.
11. Pride, commitment, teamwork--words we use to get you to work for free.
12. Work: It isn't just for sleeping anymore.
13. There are two kinds of people in life: people who like their jobs, and people
who don't work here anymore.