22 December 2008

Refleksi & Ucapan Syukur 2

Kemaren gue ke career fellowship yang dibawain oleh Prof. Joseph Tong. Aduh, Pak Joseph itu lucunya setengah mati. Tapi yang lebih penting lagi, gue belajar sesuatu yang baru dari career fellowship kemaren. Particularly pas I nanya bukankah yang Buddha dan Kristen tidak boleh dipersatukan dalam pernikahan. Ternyata jawaban yang didapat bukanlah a resounding "yes", itu hanya hasil interpretasi terhadap ayat yang ada di Korintus yang bilang do not be yoked with unbeliever. Pak Joseph cuma menyarankan caution, caution, caution. Each of our case or problem is unique and God does not give a particular formula to follow. Then He said...that God's grace is far more abundant than we can think of. Anugerah Tuhan itu jauh lebih besar dari yang kita bayangkan atau mengerti. WOW. He doesn't know...that sentence changed my whole perspective of the bible and my life. We are so easy...so fast to judge others and ourselves...but thankfully no human can ever judge us, only the gracious God. Gracious GOD. God knows the limit of your understanding in scripture, gospel experience, faith in Him,...don't let others come in between you and God and steal your peace.

God is far more gracious than we can imagine...
This sentence had made me ever hunger upon my pursuit in knowing God. I always wonder when He said that you didn't know what treasure you have on your hands (refer to the Bible)...you have not known the beauty of the scripture. wow. I am all for studying the bible and experiencing His grace ever more in my life.

I am grateful...I am grateful for the biblical teaching, honest exposition of the scripture (not emphasizing what we think, but daring to acknowledge the dual possibilities that seem contradicting or leaving much flexibility for us to interpret). God is glorified. I am deeply thankful.

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