I have not been blogging for ages. Now, it is the time for an update. I have started working at B-O Asia. At first, I was given the tasks to do marketing research to seek opportunity in South East Asia for our products. It was really fun but it gets tiring. Especially when I was entrusted 3 more reports to be done and all four of them are due on monday. Monday is presentation. This job gives me challenge in providing the correct information as to be helpful for the company. I also learnt alot from the market news, how are the consumers behaving and what opportunity that manufacturers have out there. I do not agree fully as to the practise. I found they are selfishly looking for profit gain, everything, almost everything even charities/going green campaign is being used for money making purposes. One single motive, increase profit. My little heart was shock to study all this, and was quite saddened by the corruption of our heart. I mean at least those going green/pro-sustainability marketing is a true sincere heartfelt marketing. No. It is only because our consumers care to save the planet, not because we care. Heck. This really puts me into thinking that all marketing people is superficial. Everywhere you go, you will strive to please your customers where there is not even a single hint of sincerity on your part. You started to sound like a Chamaeleon or Bunglon in Indonesian, you change your colour like your surroundings.
I know marketing exercise is needed by your company to ensure positive gain, it is in fact the only weapon a company has to survive. But heck, I didn't feel much peace about the way we do it. It is a little too selfish. I am glad there is regulation, so people couldn't put an erroneous/no science based health claim on their products. The price to pay is high when a company did that. The good reputation will suffer. Is there such a thing as good clean marketing? I will be glad to invent one.
Besides working, I also attended three lectures by Prof. Alister Mcgrath at St. Andrews. He really delivered very practical, smart tactful answers to new atheism and comforting message to keep doing our task as an Evangelist in season or out of season. I bought a book of him on self-esteem, and learning the fatherly love of our God. After may be 10 years of being a christian, I struggle to trust His unconditional love. I struggle with acceptance. To be able to picture our God as a loving mother attending the needs of her child, is to find peace that how much more the heavenly Father is capable of loving me perfectly. He cares. Pray as I journey towards this truth, may it brings steadiness and hope anew.
Besides theology, love. To be very particular, romantic love. Where am I going to bring you? you have my wicked smile. Romantic love is almost always identified with a feeling love, you are able to love someone because the counterpart has or does something likeable. Yeas, very easy to do this. Won't you agree? We all know that this kind of love, feeling based love, does not really last and it is not reliable. I admired people who choose to love when things was difficult, when it will cost them a heap to love. That is true genuine love. I long to have that strength to express genuine love, despite its cost. I long to exercise forgiveness and loving others unconditionally. But, until I experience love and grace myself, I will have no capacity to fulfill my longings.
To end, I would like to say that I am grateful. I am grateful for everything. Work had returned a purpose and meaning into my life. To carry other burdens will be too heavy for me. Lord, I just want to know you more. I just want to be at your feet and understand more of the significance of your crucifixion. What it means personally to me. May your light shine upon me and bring radiance to my eyes and healing to my bones. Change me... into what I do not know what to ask. But, annoint me, strengthen me, embolden me, for your sake.