15 April 2010

Conceal Not My Loving Kindness

His thoughts said, “If it were anyone else I would not feel so doubtful.”

His Father said, “Because Thou art what Thou knowest Thou art and what I know Thou art, the glory will be all Mine when anything is done. Look not at Thyself at all; let Thine eyes be ever looking unto Thy Lord.”

Then in grateful wonder the son said, “Thy loving kindness is ever before mine eyes.”

And His Father said, ”Conceal not My Loving Kindness.”


Sometimes when we lost confidence on ourselves, we feel really lost. But God said, “Well, you are what you know you are. And I know you, my child. If anything you did were successful, it will be because of Me. Get the focus off yourself, look at Me long and hard.” Then we feel that God cares for us tremendously because we will be helped in anything. He asked us not to conceal anymore His loving kindness by doubting Him.   


I would like to dedicate the HTS HFS (His Thoughts Said, His Father Said) series to my dearest friend, Yuanita who kindly gave me the little book by Amy Carmichael. Her writings have truly pushed my thoughts heavenward, reduce the incidents of self pity, and warm my cold heart. This book is truly a gem. When I thirsted for God’s word, this book presented it in such a way that I will remember my Saviour dear love for me and will not forsake me.

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1 comment:

Ita said...

Wah! Thank you banget udah diparafrase! :)
Huhu... harus belajar bahasa Inggris bener2 lagi ni.. apalagi ntar mau kuliah