12 June 2008

Samuel, Hannah, and The Lord

Read the passage: 1 Samuel 1-2:21

When I read about the early life of Samuel during my devotion, I was particularly touched by God's graciousness to Hannah. He started by granting Hannah's request with a boy, Samuel. She, in return faithfully gave back Samuel to God as she had promised because it was a gift from Him. Her sacrifice reminded me with Abraham. After she weaned the boy, the boy was brought to Eli and He will serve the Lord all His life. When they came back to offer annual sacrifice, Eli later blessed them by asking God to give them children in place of Samuel. And God granted her not only one but five children (three boys and two girls). It just shows the Lord's generosity to her for she was barren previously. This then provoke me to recall the many examples of God's grace in the scripture that simply shows the possibility of Him loving me and you deeply, sacrificially, and completely. I like how the Lord reminds me of these things.

How can we doubt you O Lord? You are worthy of our deepest gratitude, exceeding praises, endless awe, our very life. O my soul, know this well, grow in daily conviction of this truth. May the fruits bring back many praises to You. xxx

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