21 February 2009

Random things about Lilis Part 3

1. Google "[your name] needs": Lilis can fulfill the needs of virtual veejay. (Can she?)

2. Google "[your name] looks like": Lilis looks like Natalie Portman (I LOVE GOOGLE!)

3. Google "[your name] likes": Lilis likes stereogum (what the heck is stereogum?)

4. Google "[your name] says": Lilis says a police officer arrested her and bundled her into a car (What is wrong with the police officer?)

5. Google "[your name] wants": Lilis wants to be real (yea!!)

6. Google "[your name] does": Lilis does special events, parties and classes (make sure you have her numbers)

7. Google "[your name] hates": Lilis hates vegetables (hey...that's wrong!)

8. Google "[your name] can": Lilis can feel when the surgeon can not (scary, Lilis!)

9. Google "[your name] goes": Lilis goes partnerless (so sad...)

10. Google "[your name] is": Lilis is described as an orange-skinned, middle-aged, plump she-devil. She stands 5' tall and sports glowing green eyes. She looks well-preserved and has the usual Baatezu's features (bat wings, cloven hooves, forked tail etcetera). (Just...... who is this Lilis???)

11. Google "[your name] loves": Lilis loves youuuu (Awwwww...)

PS: as you google your name, you might need to be a bit selective because the answer does not always come at the first hit.

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