05 February 2010

Cooking Craze

Gua seperti dilanda kepengen masak-masak belakangan ini.

Brunch for today:

Bihun cah putih
Maling goreng

At first, it all starts from imagination. We are going back to Jakarta soon and was wanting to clean up the fridge and pantry. My brother say he wants char bihun (the bihun we normally used is the one my mom bought in Jakarta, you couldn't find it here). Then, I said just used the Singaporean bihun and we will make bihun char putih (no dark soya sauce). A simple bihun, egg and chay sim mix. I like moist bihun char, so it would need extra water. Sorry, didn't take any picture. Since we still have maling luncheon in the fridge, fried maling dipped in chili tomato sauce are a perfect companion for white char bihun. My brother approves it. So, was quite happy for our brunch. After that, we had leftover ice cream and wafers. Half a lemon in the fridge had also been turned into hot lemon honey tea.

Dinner for today:

Cah Kol kapri
Pork and tomato soup

The vegetable dish comprises from cabbage, snow peas (my brother likes it sliced diagonally), spring onion and chopped fresh chili. Tossed them all in high heat with sprinkled salt, sugar and salty soy sauce made it a great dish.

The soup is made from pork meat ball, sliced tomatoes and 2 crushed garlic. Dark and light soy sauce are key sauces to brown the soup. My brother's favorite. Sorry though, I have no picture. We were too hungry.

We will give you a peek for tomorrow's menu:

Mie Ayam (premier, haha)
Nasi goreng + vegetable soup

This really shows that we are dead bored with Singapore food. Haha. If I remember, I will take some pictures tomorrow. Nitez.

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