22 February 2010

Reading Wish List

Just to share with you what I am indulging on these days:

  • The bumps are to climb on by Warren Wiersbe
  • Lies women believe by Nancy Leigh De Moss

Both books have been comforts and a great catch up with the Almighty! I am committed to finish them and apply it in my life. Wow, do pray that the Holy Spirit will use it to change me and strengthen my relationship with Him.

I have read quite a lot of books but I have not exercised patience and meditating the truths discovered. So, it’s an expensive waste. So, read your book prayerfully so the truths may change your life.

Wish to read:

  • “Cure for the common life, finding your sweet spot” by Max Lucado –> because I had a sneak preview into the book and it helps you to unearth your God-given skills and talents which in turn gives you direction in career even things to do in life.
  • “Facing your giants”, another book by Lucado which seems to be interesting and possibly an encouragement book like the Bumps.
  • “The Purpose Driven Life” by Rick Warren, I read this probably 4 or 5 years ago. Felt like I need to be freshly reminded what I am to do on earth.
  • “On being the servant of God” by Warren Wiersbe, I need to make it a daily reading ;p. Perhaps after the bumps and Lies.

I’d say I have that lust for books. Lust for knowledge and the truth. Is it a good thing? only when it affects your life in a positive way. Haha.


I am thankful for a little break in Indonesia. Thankful that my relationship with God is restored and sweet. Christ is my hero. I can truly say that He is the best thing that ever happened in my life so far… and I think will ever be in the span of eternity. He loves you too, He is willing to change your life too if you would allow Him. To have Him is to have hope.

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