04 April 2008

Sundanese music

Tiupan seruling sendu serasa berada di tanah sunda dengan penduduknya yang ramah tamah dan murah senyum. Kumaha damang? Imajinasiku pun melayang. Rasanya seperti sedang berdiri di beranda rumah bambu sambil mendengarkan pancuran air kolam.

It is a very nice, calming music, and very indonesian :). Lovely. Hoping it will be preserved for the future generation. I was watching "OASIS" at MetroTV just now and this episode is about the life of a javanese sitar player, a blind kraton Yogya artist, and penabuh gendang Blahmut (or Lamut, not certain, but apparently it's a folklore about a handsome prince). They were saying that the music they have inherited from their ancestors are not popular anymore even their children do not desire to learn these instruments. These people are depending on their music skills as the sole occupation. Not earning much, they are still faithful in keeping the tradition and contented with their job. The penabuh gendang blahmut (he is the only Blahmut artist left) only worried about the existence of Blahmut story and its gendang in the future.

Mari kita lestarikan budaya Indonesia.

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