11 September 2009

Campur Sari part 1

I want to write but the words would not flow. Thoughts are everywhere and I feel I need to pour it out. I have been thinking a lot of things these days:
  • Work
  • Serving
  • Evangelism Explosion

I DONT KNOW!!! I work in an MNC, I have business trips, I work normal business hours, I know my colleagues well now, I work in food technology field even though not in technical position, I still deal with food things, I like talking to people and market our products to them, I like analyzing how the company performing in terms of sales. What else do I want? we can't get everything we want. I think the part where it does not meet my expectations really draw me closer to God. I become more dependent on Him and relying on His strength.

I found out that my manager does not know that I was not a permanent staff. All the while they think I am and He said He will talk to Mr. K. Now, it really makes me think hard whether I still want to do this job, whether I will survive under two demanding guys. I mean Mr. K works hard and his company is really doing well in terms of sales, world leader. Standard of work is high. But, he is quite stingy for a European, hahaha. In fact, he is a China man. Thrifty Asians combined with Proud Choleric European create the most deadly mutant ever imagined. Thanks to Darwin's natural selection yeah! such species survived. No. God's grace to him.

Anyway, let's put aside the weaknesses of my boss or my colleagues. I think I will encounter people like this in all the walks of my life. I can not isolated myself from the consequences of their sins. I can not escape the pain they caused. I have my own weaknesses too and they had to bear that also. The only thing I see since the beginning of the year, it is that I must, should, ought, have to, need to, learn to say NO! I was reading Wiersbe's God isn't in a hurry, it was saying we need not be celebrity Christians. Oh Thank God!

In fact, this will lead to my thoughts on serving. What does it mean by serving? How does the church nowadays view serving? How should I serve? that is coming next.

Sudah malam teman-teman. Kasurku sudah menunggu. Met bobo. zzz

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