11 December 2009


What a tough week! everytime I remember about work, I just want to cry. I feel as if my boss is playing a joke with me and I am tired and helpless but he aint giving me up. It is difficult for me not to take his words lightly neither easy not to listen to many discouraging words. Actually the work itself is quite stressful. We are expected to know everything in such a short time and no colleagues are willing to help. Yeah, very kiasu. very chinese individualistic, materialistic, competitive, superficial society. I quite hate it to be honest. Oh...whether I am ever be a business woman...

But, God says not to look at myself, my problems and difficulties.
God said I am too a sinner, in need of forgiveness

why can I not forgive these people? Help me to experience your love and care. Enable me to forgive for I am no better than them, Lord. I am very stressed, my Lord. I am hurted by their careless and heartless words, as if my presence is such a disgust and I am unworthy to be in the midst of them. Selfish colleagues aren't really helpful yeah. It makes you stand on your own. I really hate their superficiality and two faces. I know morality and principles will not always be practical. If profit is your goal then values are sacrificed.


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