23 August 2008

Love in every rose

"All the love that history knows,
is said to be in every rose.
Yet all that could be found in two,
is less than what I feel for you."

I found this poem. so sweet aye. Don't get me wrong, I'm not fallen in love with someone, at least not just yet. Hehehe. You know, when the aunties and mammas meet and talk about single young adult girls, yea, love relationship is the hot topic. Goodness, they can suddenly turn into a matchmaker you know. Pretty fierce. The most annoying thing is when they started to compare you with the other girls in the family whom already in a relationship. Err, in a way I must admit I do envy my cousin hehehe. Another thing, I do get upset when they teased me, annoying but I do. Anyhow, I am not targeting anything, will patiently wait for my prince charming...(no, no to be frank impatient, ;p). In a way, I'm not ready to be married in the next two years (well...I dunno), but you gotta start courting to get to know each other, no? sudah tiga tahun berkepala dua. Gosh, my time is running out what? Haha.

Picture from vladdy

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