22 July 2009

Reflection week 19 July 09

Today, Sunday is the start of the week. Last week, I guess I can still face all the things that's going on in the office, still can be thankful with everything. This week I changed so very sudden. Why?

If your Boss asked you to lie, so what? Are you surprised at the wickedness of this generation?
If your Seniors treated you unfair, so what? Are you living in heaven yet?

Wake up! Neither Jesus said that you will face no suffering nor hardship in this life. Life is hard. Harsh reality! But, remember who your God is! He who is sovereign over the world. He who will not spare you of suffering and pain, knowing that you will be purified and come out cleaner than before. He is loving and compassionate Father, yet He is terribly wise and daring to send us into that fire of sanctification. We need it friends. We need it. We need to walk by faith, trusting His plan for us. We need to walk by faith obeying His calling. We need to gaze at the cross once more, meditate upon How great His love for us, not sparing us His one and only Son, not keeping His glory & riches but humbly come down to earth to die the most humiliating death.

He, even He will come down and die for me if I am the only one person left on earth. He, even He is the one who answered the prayer of the saints. How did He answer? Revelation clearly says that when the beast wants to wage war against the Lamb of God...the scripture beautifully says,

"They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of Lords and King of Kings and with Him will be His called, chosen and faithful followers." Rev 17:14

The Lamb will overcome them no sweat! and it was also said that His chosen and faithful followers will be with Him!!! no battle fought by the followers, only inheriting status as "winner".

I am grateful God still spoke to me every sundays, fellowships I went. I want to follow you, I want to obey you!!! I want to obey whatever the cost! You just made me want!!! I want to give my all, hoping that I might know Christ all the more. You will only know the truth after you have obeyed it. Obedience is a choice, I noticed I have been relying on my feelings.

God, I served you when I was in Uni? may be. But, I recalled it became a burden and I was reminded today that if I do not serve you and at the same time become your disciple, I will soon find serving boring and draining. Make me your disciple. I don't want to only ask, but I want to do it! I have not been growing God. I have not. You know...
I have not been applying your word and taking risks to obey. That's why I am losing it. That's why I feel drained, relying on my own strength.

I desperately want to grow, want to experience living a life to the full like you have promised.
I want to serve you despite hardship and exhaustion but as long as there is fire flaming in my heart, knowing that I live fulfilling Your Calling, I live at present walking forward with the Almighty. I want I want I want!!! I don't care, I want it desperately! I am not satisfied with my life, my spiritual state now. I want it oh Help!

My earnest desire is captured by this song:

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