28 July 2009

Short & Sweet

I am feeling much better.

Today a short post.

Yeap. Work is okay now.

Reading EE book makes me feel better.

I learn to trust God

I learn to appreciate pain

I was brought in awe of people's willingness to follow Jesus and hence my own commitment.

Honest answer, following and obeying God is not easy. But, it is necessary.

that God's will can be found if we are willing to spend some time waiting on Him in quietness and full immersion in His Word.

that praying is difficult but makes my mind clearer and less fuzzy than usual.

debated with my boss. makes me want to learn more about the history of christianity and how reasonable my belief is. My tendency is towards pokokism (I don't care, it must be true). They don't appreciate personal experience with God ya...like what the Samaritan woman shared.

I hope to trust my Mighty God. Trust in His character. Rather than judging who He is through the situation I am in but judging my situation through who He is.

God must be exalted. God is trustworthy. God is completely sovereign over all things. Only...only allow Him to use you in whatever situation you are in no matter how degrading or humiliating in human eyes.

I bought a nail color "sweet pea". It was disgusting.

Aiyah...the story of my life.

1 comment:

Anne said...

sweat pea nail colour ya, nice. pls show me hahaha.