30 August 2009

Birthday week reflection

I have just finished a busy week but quite interesting. Evangelism Explosion does require a lot of concentration but it was fun (I managed to get to know some people like Darman, Kartika & Lenny and mbak Wati). So that was nice to know them better. I think EE is quite good, I enjoyed the beginning the most where we all were evangelized by Ko Wei Jing. I particularly touched by the story of Jendral Shamila, when he himself established the law of theft, his own mother turned out to be the theft. Because of his love for mother and the need to uphold justice, he took the punishment that was supposed to be given to his mother. That story reminds me of God's love for me and it was described very clear. So, my joy is renewed because of that story.

I can not thank God more for IEC. IEC people are:
  • Caring
  • genuinely wants to serve God and follow him
  • serving selflessly yet understand grace well
May God bless you all my friends!! May the Lord continue to empower us all with the strength needed, giving us the servant heart so that we may serve willingly, sacrificially, joyfully. Please protect all the activists, our shepherds, our friends. Keep the fire burning in their heart and when they fall, by your grace pick them back again. Help them who are in difficulties, whether work problems or family. Weakness and sickness please heal and above all let us enjoy You every moment of our life. You are our only lifeline. We'd rather fall into Your loving hands than pursue after the world. Oh help us in our many weaknesses, for our old self is fighting against the spirit. Win the battle for Your sake, God! that we all might be a beautiful bride of yours. Jesus, lead me, I want to walk with You. If I walk with You, I will certainly be following your will.

God, please restore my first love to you. Give me a servant heart, a heart that is willing to serve, serving no other than You. Give me discernment so that I will not give in to temptation, fall into the devil schemes so that I miss your will for me. Thank you for your love for me, for dying on my place, for providing eternal life for free and thank you for choosing me before the foundation of the earth was even placed. Thank you that I have this hope and You to take care everything. Thank you once again. Forgive my many sins, O Lord for they are such red stains. If I should desire the temporaries of this world, please be gracious to me and bring me back on track. I want to live this life for You. No matter how hard things can be You are always faithful to me. You are and You will always be. Jesus, all the more I seek You, I only find beauty. I only find truth and grace woven together, nicely tight. You are the way, the truth and the life. Thank you.

1 comment:

Ita said...

Amen, Sis! :)