05 June 2009

On Acceptance

Why people starve for approval? Why do we have the need to be accepted by people? By somehow having respects from our companies we feel we are sorted ourselves and do not really need anything else?

I read a shout out posted by one of my friends in Facebook saying "money is everything, without money and riches, no one will ever look at us". Very honest observation but too quick a conclusion. Traditional chinese, yeah I will mention us Chinese. We are included. We are too proud, too full of ourselves. Yet, we fail in measuring any man's dignity and worth by simply looking at the superficial things they possess (as if it's gonna last forever). Oh GET OVER IT People!!! Those diamonds and golds might be expensive, shows your hard work?? maybe...or it shows that you have just robbed someone?? you have my cynical laugh. We should respect other humans just how we like to be respected.

Don't judge the book by its cover. So cliche the saying that we forget what it really means, yeah...

Upset. I am upset. Why people do this to others as fellow Homo Sapiens? Too cruel.

Money may satisfy all your needs and wants...but the question is are you fully satisfied? or it just leads you to new desires waiting to be fulfilled? viscious chain huh?

Haih what human does when they left God out of their life equation.

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