16 March 2010



My recent job turn down and the weeks aftermath only serve to prove that I am stupido, fool and the kinds because I regretted saying no to the job. Haiyah, the choice here seems to be either a highly challenging, pressure-filled, on-the-go job or no job at all-sitting around-fooling yourself kind of job. The part I feel that I am such a fool is because I regret what I did. Then in order to stop being a fool, I need to look forward with hope, which I believe the will of God for me.

I guess I just have to buckle up with a lot of courage and confidence to face any challenges. But where do you think I can find that? Am I able to manufacture such good virtues? frustrations!!! --> I guess the answer is faith and sadly I don't have enough of it.

"we must live by faith not by sight" --> God's will for us

it is one thing to enjoy theology and another thing to believe it and live in it. My heart needs to catch up with my head. Dear good Lord, o help.

I miss the thrill of going for an interview. Shot! I only want the thrill but not the job. huehehe.

I am getting a little impatient with everything and a little lazier everyday.

Temptations: youtube, blueletterbible, facebook, e-mails, music, countless books to read, blogspot.

No matter what I did, I believe God's providence goes along way ahead before me. Even though I fall, He will pick me up. God is good to you, Lilis. Every difficulties and hardships that come along your way are heavenly gifts to keep us humble and dependent on God. Let's celebrate the little bumps on the road, let's welcome it with both hands, let's live in the will of God.

sometimes I feel I need to move on and another time I must slow down. I am quite confused and most of the time worry over my own health. Must fix my eyes upon Jesus, must focus on Him and His purpose and His promises. Must believe Him. Must rest in Him.

PS: I must start memorizing some scriptures for my own benefit. in times of troubles i often lose grip.

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