09 March 2010

Total Wreck

I feel like a total wreck, to be honest. May be, may be I just need some more time. I can not follow whatever people say or think I should do (but gee, I am made to be a follower, not a leader). I probably should just enjoy things and relax a while...

Why do I buy in people's opinions so easily? Why have I not any strong principles?
Why do I allow this?

Lord, I am nothing, only ordinary human being, sinful and helpless.
I do not have faith when you said that I must live by faith not by sight.
I kept getting confused with the things I can see and
The Celestial City seems to be kingdom far far away.
I learned that I have always been taking the flight response when I am in a conflict, but
Self-mastery is not easy, in fact it is the fruit of the Spirit. It is work in progress not instant ability.
If I have not utilized all the graces that you lavished on me, I am sorry.
I do not want to be that one talent-servant, scared and buried it away. But, neither I have the courage, Lord to work it out.
If I have disobeyed you and not being on your track, forgive me.

Remember Lilis that you have a Heavenly Father, and that's Me. I know and understand what you are going through. Come...come into my embrace. We walk again, shall we?

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