01 March 2010

Through Furnaces of Pain

This is one of the notes, part of my daily devotion, I am lazy to write so just type will do.


A dedicated Christian probably has avoided a lot of physical suffering that comes to a person who defiles and destroys his body through sin and selfishness. It’s true. Are you a dedicated Christian yet?


Higher ministries of pain:

  1. Pain can have purifying power. “You must realize that to be dead to sin inevitably means pain.”
  2. Fellowship with Christ. You and I can be drawn closer to God through pain
  3. Bringing glory to God. Not that God must inflict us with pain to gain glory for Himself but rather, your pain can be used to bring glory to Him.


This time note is very short indeed. In fact, I did not feel as much stirred as the previous chapter. Some repetition of the truth I heard before. But, I think I am stuck with the application e.g. how many times have I accepted pain that comes into my life with both hands? Have I been thankful for them because they will bring me closer to God, they will open my eyes to the spiritual truth which I probably never seen or experience before? Have I been positive and trusted God through the permitted pain? It is easier to complain, it is easier to ask God for the pain to be removed but that means we have not understood the truth yet, we have not longed for the things above but the things on earth. Worldly things are still somehow take hold a part of us and we are reluctant to let them go. Forgive us Lord, for allowing our heart to be enticed with the temporal. Help us to fix our eyes on Jesus and the heavenly things that is eternal. Thank you for refreshing our focus once again today. It is impossible to desire those things, Lord not until you gave us the faith we desperately need. Help us, we ask. Amen. 

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