09 March 2010

Random photos

Showing off some of the books I got from the library. I only read two, which I highly recommend: dynamic cover letter & 60s you're hired. The rest aren't too exciting.

Sapo Tahu Udang (dunno the english)

Sapo tahu udang (zoom version)

Ham & Egg Healthy Sandwich (LOL)

Biehun Char (Biehun Ikan Mujair special from Indo)


Anne said...

60s you are hired! hahaha that amused me somehow... the ham and egg sandwich looks good! also the sapo tahu udang (claypot tofu with shrimps) and bihun char looks yummy!

Janicelees said...

eh...the 60s you're hired is really a hit you know! I learned a lot from that book. Hahaha :D