31 December 2009
22 December 2009
Everytime I remember that I always gather myself up and try to go on. But, I have come to the point that I can't seem to change that fast as fast as they would like me to. There was an Indo colleague, same age but she got the position of manager without even going through that probation period. She is also a christian. But, she can just bring herself in such a way that my boss and my manager like her. She also drinks but I am not sure where her conviction is. I can not imitate her. She must be really smart and composed and relax. She is not the type that will worry too much.
I feel so inadequate. My job seems to go against who I really am. I am required to be trendy, smart, have negotiation skills, fit/pretty all that kind, can lead and scold people, firm and can relate to almost anyone which might involve drinking, partying and the sort.
Sometimes I keep thinking whether this is where God wants me to be. Although I hate to miss the opportunity to grow. But, I can tell you that I am running out of ways to make myself skillful in all these things in such a short time. I already lost my face in front of my bosses and colleagues. I have my own mistakes too: worrying too much and being very nice.
I really have a problem in saying no...either I become very firm until people misunderstood me or I am very soft until people walk all over me. Why? Why I can not master this skills. I feel pressured on every side and wishing that I was not born with this kind of personality and insecurity. I wish I was tough. I wish I was not that anxious. I wish I can grow abit more but I am quite tired of being pushed from every side.
I don't know what else I should do...
I feel hopeless...
I am ashamed of myself...
may be this job is not really me... (whether there is such a thing?)
may be I should not push it...surely God would want me to do something that I enjoy...
Why? I am just about to learn but there is no room for such luxury...I am expected to be ready...
I dunno how long can I stay in this place...but to quit seems to be such a coward action...
12 December 2009
Jangan pernah memusingkan hari esok,
Yang ada selalu saat ini.
Kemarin telah lenyap,
Setiap menit harus berjaga,
buatlah itu bermakna meski bagaimanapun.
Tidak ada saat lain: Hanya kini.
Hanya kini kesempatan emas,
saat yang pantas untuk dibela.
Jangan pernah memusingkan hari kemarin,
Jangan pernah memusingkan hari esok.
Adalah hari ini yang harus kau isi,
Dengan semua yang benar dan mulia,
Dengan semua yang Tuhan beri,
Dengan semua yang Tuhan sediakan,
Dengan semua yang Tuhan mau,
Dan waktu untuk itu adalah Kini.
"Dimanapun kita ditempatkan, bagaimanapun kondisi kita di masa lalu, sekarang dan akan datang adalah ladang kerja bagi Tuhan untuk menyempurnakannya."
Alan Redpath berkomentar terhadap ayat Roma 8:28
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose".
"Tidak ada satu hal pun, kondisi, masalah, pencobaan yang akan menyentuh saya jika tidak terlebih dahulu melewati Tuhan. Jika hal itu telah terjadi, maka itu datang dengan sebuah rencana yang indah yang mungkin tidak saya mengerti saat kejadian itu terjadi. Tetapi, setelah saya menolak untuk menjadi panik, begitu saya memandang kepadaNya dan menerima keadaan itu sebagai sesuatu yang datang dari takhta Tuhan demi rencana anugrah yang besar bagi hidup saya, maka tidak ada kesedihan yang pernah mengganggu saya; tidak ada pencobaan yang melemahkan saya, tidak ada kondisi yang membuat saya resah. Saya akan tinggal dalam damai sejahtera Tuhan. Itulah arti kemenangan sesungguhnya."
sumber: Menapaki Hari Bersama Allah by Yohan Candawasa
11 December 2009
But, God says not to look at myself, my problems and difficulties.
God said I am too a sinner, in need of forgiveness
why can I not forgive these people? Help me to experience your love and care. Enable me to forgive for I am no better than them, Lord. I am very stressed, my Lord. I am hurted by their careless and heartless words, as if my presence is such a disgust and I am unworthy to be in the midst of them. Selfish colleagues aren't really helpful yeah. It makes you stand on your own. I really hate their superficiality and two faces. I know morality and principles will not always be practical. If profit is your goal then values are sacrificed.
08 December 2009
I can not protect myself
I am clumsy
Always nervous
I am disorganized
I don't want to know SALES
I don't care if you all gone bankrupt
I don't have anyone to support me
I can not lead anyone
I can not argue my way out
I am already allowed myself to be a fool yet I don't know the way out
I am full of self pity and bitter and I can not help it
I don't have any outstanding character
My parents rely on me alot. yet I don't think I can make them proud. I won't be able to withstand this pressure and about to give up.
I can't fight with my boss neither my manager neither my any other colleagues in the office
I am too kind
I am too conservative
I am too restricted and truthful
I won't stand these people dealing with bribes and evil ways
Yes Lord I believe in the end they will all go to hell. They may have heaven now but when judgement come they will not be able to stand. In this sense, I am still blessed. But, please Lord I need your guidance. Keep this job or not? Because everyday I only live in fear. I no longer enjoy my work. no matter it brings me to the end of the world but I can not stand them!!!
Why do I look so young that people lose respect? Why I am such a melancholic that I can not even protect myself? Why I am so helpless????
Stress Berat
Bos gua selalu bawa-bawa agama, kenapa sih gak bisa let me go at least for a moment? Kenapa sih everyone does not understand me at all. I am about to burst out already. Why? Do I really need another stress like this? Yes, this is a chance but I can't take it anymore!!! I am always pushed around, come home late, bring the work home and stresss. I dont even have time to exercise. I don't even have professional salary. I don't even have paid leave. I work my butt off. Why? WHY?
I dun have even a space to breathe and practise those skills.
I HATE IT!!!!!!!
07 December 2009
Rasanya untuk tidak melihat penampilan luar, itu susah. Untuk tetap tegar itu susah. Untuk tetap bersabar itu susah. Untuk tetep liat Tuhan itu susah. susah susah susah...
05 December 2009
Reflection week 1 Dec
- Semakin cinta Yesus
- Semakin tidak bisa hidup tanpa Dia
- Semakin sadar akan pentingnya total surrender to His will therefore require actions
- Total surrender to His will = joy
- Joy = life abundant
- Melihat kasihNya dan kuasaNya yg besar dalam firman Tuhan dan memperoleh pengertian lewat doa.
- Tuhan Raja alam semesta adalah Bapa kita yang baik dan penuh kasih. Dia berfirman maka itu jadi, Dia memerintahkan kehancuran, maka bumi pun taat. Dia yang penuh kuasa ini mengasihi saya dan mendekap saya ketika saya penuh ragu, patah semangat dan tidak berdaya. Dia selalu menyertai saya.
- Hidup menurut kehendakNya seharusnya menjadi tujuan hidupku
- "Each problem is an opportunity to grow and see God work" by Wiersbe
- Terlalu bnyk buku yang mau dibaca dan dipelajari. Pelan2 saja biar bisa dimeditasikan dan diaplikasikan.
- Fokus. Hidup ini harus fokus pada Tuhan bukan pada diri sendiri, pada situasi kini, pada kemampuan diri sendiri. Fokus dan percaya pada Tuhan itu kuncinya. Hidup selfish sungguh merugikan diri sendiri.
- Setuju banget kalau pelajaran tidak dicatat akan missed banyak pengertian yang sudah dibukakan oleh Tuhan.
01 December 2009
30 November 2009
Engkau baik
Engkau baik ketika malam begitu gelap
Engkau baik ketika kami tidur tenang
Engkau baik ketika kami gugup cemas
Engkau baik ketika makanan berlimpah
Engkau baik ketika kelaparan melanda
Engkau baik ketika tubuh ini sehat
Engkau baik ketika nyeri tak tertanggung
Engkau baik ketika panen pesta
Engkau baik ketika lumbung kosong
Sungguh Engkau baik!
28 November 2009
With all I am
Into your hand
I commmit again
with I am
for you Lord
You hold my world
in the palm of your hand
and I am yours forever...
God is good! God is good forever and ever
A psalm of Asaph.
1Surely God is good to Israel,to those who are pure in heart.
2 But as for me, my feet had almost slipped;
I had nearly lost my foothold.
3 For I envied the arrogant
when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.
4 They have no struggles;
their bodies are healthy and strong. a]">[a]
5 They are free from the burdens common to man;
they are not plagued by human ills.
6 Therefore pride is their necklace;
they clothe themselves with violence.
7 From their callous hearts comes iniquity b]">[b] ;
the evil conceits of their minds know no limits.
8 They scoff, and speak with malice;
in their arrogance they threaten oppression.
9 Their mouths lay claim to heaven,
and their tongues take possession of the earth.
10 Therefore their people turn to them
and drink up waters in abundance. c]">[c]
11 They say, "How can God know?
Does the Most High have knowledge?"
12 This is what the wicked are like—
always carefree, they increase in wealth.
13 Surely in vain have I kept my heart pure;
in vain have I washed my hands in innocence.
14 All day long I have been plagued;
I have been punished every morning.
15 If I had said, "I will speak thus,"
I would have betrayed your children.
16 When I tried to understand all this,
it was oppressive to me
17 till I entered the sanctuary of God;
then I understood their final destiny.
18 Surely you place them on slippery ground;
you cast them down to ruin.
19 How suddenly are they destroyed,
completely swept away by terrors!
20 As a dream when one awakes,
so when you arise, O Lord,
you will despise them as fantasies.
21 When my heart was grieved
and my spirit embittered,
22 I was senseless and ignorant;
I was a brute beast before you.
23 Yet I am always with you;
you hold me by my right hand.
24 You guide me with your counsel,
and afterward you will take me into glory.
25 Whom have I in heaven but you?
And earth has nothing I desire besides you.
26 My flesh and my heart may fail,
but God is the strength of my heart
and my portion forever.
27 Those who are far from you will perish;
you destroy all who are unfaithful to you.
28 But as for me, it is good to be near God.
I have made the Sovereign LORD my refuge;
I will tell of all your deeds.
What a beautiful psalm. Thank God, deeply thank God! God is the strength of my heart, God is my portion forever and ever. Hanya dekat Allah saja aku tenang. Only in Him, I can truly live.
Oh beautiful Jesus
the world and its pleasures can't compare
Let my eyes see only Thee
and all other lights grow dim
I learned quite a lot of things today. Firstly, thinking about the 3 F's (Formations, Functions, Foundations) sort of the core principles of our small group. Anyway, I was really interested in "Functions". I think it is new to me, and that was God's kindness revelation. Functions means each of us that makes up a small group will be given responsibilities that will help the person to grow. So, the responsibilities are there, not merely to be filled by a person but actually helping the person's spiritual growth. I never thought about that and I think it is beautiful if we all serve God like that. You see...Wiersbe said something similar "The service is as important as the servant". God can makes things works without you. If He merely interested in getting the job done, He doesn't have to use you. But, the question is why you are allowed to be involved. It is because you will be trained by it. Simply, you will grow. That's cool yeah.
Formative vs Summative Assessment
Never realize so much I have been dependent on Summative assessment. My mind is so goal/achievements orientated and that it just ingrained in myself. I never care about the process. Sadly, school and work place taught me that. They will always see end results. Yeah, yeah the process is important but really the results get much applauds. Now, change of paradigm... the results may be disappointing...but the process provides much supplements to our soul, to our character.
The people
Waw...what can I say...I am much humbled by you all once again...I thank God everytime I see you all how He granted us so much grace and wisdom. May His name be praised. God is among us!!!
Tuhan...aku rindu...hidup berkemenangan setiap hari...
percaya dan patuh padaMu
tahu setiap tapak yang dipijak, Tuhan besertaku
memimpinku dan berjalan pada tempat yang kau kehendaki
biar badai menerpa
aku tetap kuat dan tahan berdiri
karena setelah hujan langit cerah kembali
tak ada rasa takut dan gentar
Tuhan, aku mulai mengerti...
tolong janganlah kau mengundurkan diri
tuntunlah aku seperti janjiMu, karna namaMu
Ini aku...
PS: I know there is an overdue post on Evangelism Explosion, stink, I forgot what I need to write.
I also need to say something about the book of Mr. Yohan Candawasa. Great stuff! First chapter, your life mission statement, what will be written on your obituary? How do you like people to remember you? and then Psalm 73...of Asaf...Awesome passage you know...whoa! you have to read it yourself.
Thank God for everything :)
27 November 2009
O come, O come Emmanuel
O come, O come Emmanuel
and ransom captive Israel
that mourns in lonely exile here
until the Son of God appear...
Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel
Shall come to Thee
O Israel...
21 November 2009
Sabtu Seru
Selain Maryamah Karpov, sebuah pelem Korea, Love Story in Harvard, telah kutamatkan dengan sukses kemarin jumat. Saya menyukai ending film ini. Film ini tentang kisah cinta dua orang pengacara lulusan Harvard pada seorang dokter berhati mulia yang juga ex-Harvard. Ending yang paling menarik yaitu ketika persidangan dimenangkan dengan taktik yang sangat pintar.
Sempat pula berbincang dengan kawan-kawan di small group ples Ci Maria. I am humbled by all of you, for you all have taught me something, your life have pointed me to the Great God that we worship and that He exists and that He is good. Thank you temans. Aku tak jemu-jemu berdoa agar di perkerjaanku ini karakterku dapat bertumbuh, oh Tuhan jangan aku luput. Bermurah hatilah padaku dan bersabarlah terhadap aku. Kau tahu...Tuhan itu sanggup...lebih sanggup...lebih berdaulat..jauh melebihi yang pernah kau kira. Jangan terlalu banyak menuntut untuk tahu arah ke depan...percayalah pada Tuhanmu...Dia itu tahu akan bawa kamu kemana. Jalani hari satu demi satu...sehari demi sehari...jangan terlalu cepat dan jangan terlalu menuntut kesempurnaan. Kedewasaan itu perlu waktu dan kesabaran, dia akan tiba pada saatnya.
13 November 2009
Grace Alone
C Am7 C G
Every promise we can make
C Am7 F G
Every prayer and step of faith
Every difference we can make
Is only by His grace.
C Am7 C G
Every mountain we will climb
C Am7 F G
Every ray of hope we shine
Every blessing left behind
Is only by His grace
Grace alone Which God supplies
Strength unknown He will provide
C F Em7 Am7
Christ in us, our cornerstone
C Am7 C G C
We will go forth in grace alone.
C Am7 C G
Every soul we long to reach
C Am7 F G
Every heart we hope to teach
Everywhere we share His peace
Is only by His grace.
C Am7 C G
Every loving word we say
C Am7 F G
Every tear we wipe away
Every sorrow turned to praise
Is only by His grace.
Tuhan...terima kasih untuk lagu ini.
08 November 2009
Went to a beautiful wedding of Icha & Sun-sun. I wish I know them a lot more :). Now, they no longer in Singapore. Wish them all the best for the new chapter of their life. Must thank them also otherwise I would not take a holiday, go to Bandung and be blessed.
I was encouraged this morning by just joining the church service. That was great. God, need lotsa those times with you. Sorry I am the one that has been running away.
I want to endure my circumstances, to accept with both hands, to walk through it with Him, to experience His love, to grow in character, to give what has been entrusted to me, to serve Him. I had disobeyed but graciously He will not let me go that path. Lord, I want to obey you. Give me new chance that I may be like your son, Jesus. Help me and strengthen me. I know you are with me. I love you, Lord.
Life is not about being happy
Life is not about being free from suffering
Life is a journey to be more like Christ
Life is made of choices
we need not be the victim of our circumstances
Only do what the Lord says
Trust and obey
for there is no other way
to be happy in Jesus
but to trust and obey...
31 October 2009
Dialogue with self
Your confidence comes from the Lord. And remember...He is always sovereign...He is always in control...there are always good reasons for Him to allow some pain on your way...most probably to mature your characters. Accept with both hands the situation. Welcome the hardship with joy...count it all as a fellowship of His suffering. Your boss enjoys putting people down...especially when he needs to get his point across and win the verbal battle. Let him say whatever he wants, but don't take it personally. Otherwise it is going to be difficult working with him. At the moment, yes, you are not skillful yet in shutting off your ears to those hurtful words. But, hard work normally pays off. Be patient in affliction...endure the light momentary troubles...by the grace that God provided.
He never allows hardship to come to our way without enabling us or leaving us alone without any provision.
- Never...never allow them to change your life principles, never compromise godly values. It is worth the fight.
- Never...never be afraid of making mistakes, life is full of them, they are inevitable. Don't be discouraged!
- Quit trying to please everyone. Learn to do so. No matter how hard. People are so fickle, a chasing after the wind.
- When you need to delegate, take a deep breath, smile, make eye contacts and just do it!
- Debt chaser, what a horrible job! but see it this way...you will then have the courage..years after you will think this is such a valuable experience. Imagine, if the money is your money, what would you do? what would you say? usually it is common sense.
- Be confident! not because you have all the skills and you are experienced. But, it is because God wants you to be where you are, at present. You can be sure He is there also. So...be confident!
- When you are tempted to complain, this is not easy especially you live in a country where people think they have not lived if they do not complain. Complaining means you are lacking in something and it could possibly be only a small thing. But, it sure makes it difficult to enjoy something bigger. Your life.
- The boss can say whatever they want, it is because they are the boss. You will get your right when you are in their position. But, they are human like us, things do not always follow their way of thinking, their opinions are not always right. Let them be...if they are angry and miserable...it is their own problem. If they are bitter and nasty, they have a problem...should be pitied. Of course, you are not a saint. No one is. If you found that you are extremely annoyed with them, it is perfectly normal. Just... who enjoys to be scolded?
- pray to God, it brings you to the source of hope and help (yes, you need help!)
- channel out stress and anger through doing whatever relaxes you, have some fun
- do escape from the noise and the crowd because it helps to calm down and clear your mind
- Yeah...try not to make any decision when you are still hot-headed. Most of the time it leads to regrets
You are not alone in this!
God of Comfort
Rowland Williams 1818-1870
taken from Secure in the Everlasting Arm by Elisabeth Elliot
30 October 2009
Not Happy
I am not happy
I am not happy
Lord help me. I don't want to make another mistake.
I am tired. I can not delegate tasks. I am basically a slave...people dump work at me. However, I am not a student anymore. Why do I have to bear other's problems when I can barely help mine.
I think it is the time to move on.
I think it is the time to really look for another job.
There are so many companies out there and beneo is only one of them
I dont have to be afraid of what people going to say to me
I am not going to be put down
They never know exactly what's going on 100% and always bias towards themselves
I want a permanent job and if they can not give me then I can not insist.
Let's see what K can do. Even if He gave me, it will be in the sales support area. Do I still want to do that? Do I still like that?
If Y can do that (and she is a secretary), why he needs a food techie to do that? save me Lord, save me from people that only wants to manipulate.
Please.... if what I need is contentment, please hold me back and let me know...let me have it
If what I need is courage to let go and move on...let me have that also
Because I have neither of the two.
28 October 2009
About Work
I have wanted to talk with you regarding my work responsibilities but I have not any chance to speak with you personally. Hence, I am writing to you.
To be honest, I cannot manage my work properly now. I am overloaded with marketing and sales support work. These last two months, O has given me a regular task to create sales performance report across the three business units for his region and also providing O sales support for the regions. Beside these, marketing tasks from A includes organizing marketing events: making the event list, brochures & marketing gifts stock and order, artwork, budgeting for events, furniture order, preparing things to pack, mending the stand, hotel, flights, handouts, liaising with people involved. In addition to that, market research, updating new product launches database and the list is not exhaustive. I am not sure whether you are aware of these responsibilities.
Hopefully, I do not give the wrong impression that I do not like my work. I have learned a lot from this job and starting to get the big picture of how sales, marketing and technical can complement each other for the good of the company. However, I am losing my track and the quality of the work done seems unacceptable. I have spoken to K and M a few times regarding my responsibilities and being overloaded but somehow the message does not seem to get through. There is no objection with being given various tasks as it will increase my knowledge of the business but I really struggle in meeting all these priorities.
I still enjoy the technical and marketing role and had given my very best to complete all the tasks. If the quality of my work no longer meets the company standards, I am ready to withdraw my application. You have been very kind for giving me this opportunity and I truly enjoy working with you. But, I cannot perform if I have too much on my plate.
PS: I am still interested in a permanent position, if it comes with manageable responsibilities.
Hope you can help, A.
Thank you.
Modified for privacy purpose.
20 October 2009
Ok, dimulailah cerita hari ini. Hari ini gua cukup merasa tertekan, bukan hanya mau ke India besokkannya tetapi juga harus ngumpulin sales report ke mr. K. Gue berkali2 berkunjung ke wc untuk berdoa. Sebelum makan siang, mr. K dateng ke meja gua dan ngasih liat gimana caranya bikin report yang dia mau. Gua merasa bodoh dan merasa sangat membuang2 banyak waktu dia. Dia keliatannya kesel banget ama gua. Kata2nya:
- Are you an organized person or not?
- Have you called the embassy? Why not? (gua udah telpon berkali2 tuh embassy chile tapi gak ada yang angkat)
Setelah makan siang, berita terbongkar, mr. M resigned. Kita semua reaksinya biasa aja, tapi sebenarnya cukup kaget. Mengapa dia resign? Gila kayak disamber gledek sih. Boss gua kliatannya cukup kecewa.
Kadang gua merasa, kenapa gua gak lebih bawel, bnyk bacot dikit, jadi lebih bisa ngejelasin situasi sama si boss. Si boss tadi cukup kecewa dan merasa kerjaan gua mulai gak ke manage dengan baik. Yach gimana toch? kerjaan gua bnyk. Sales performance report every month, Sales support yang kebnykan dadakan dan penuh dengan customer-customer penting yang gak bisa ditunda2 trus ditambah lagi ngurusin event2, yach kalo belum pernah, cukup bikin tegang soalnya menyangkut nama baik perusahaan. Coba ada salah sedikit. Kalo Palatinit yach, marketingnya kudu perfectto. Image harus image premium, classy, high end. Tapi mr. M itu gak pernah perduli terlalu banyak ama yang begitu2an. Dia emang ternyata gak gitu demen berkecimpung dalam marketing dan pengen move on totally terjun ke sales.
Boss gua hampir kehilangan confidence akan gua. Gua juga rada bete sih ama dia, tukang nyuruh2 tanpa pengen tahu keadaan orang gimana. Tapi, dia kayaknya ada usaha juga sih untuk lebih adil. Dia memang gak se-generous palatinit tapi dia oklah. Gua ngerasa gak enak ma dia setelah ikutan2 colleague lain ngomongin dia dari belakang.
Anywae, tomorrow I will leave for Mumbai. Serem2 seneng. Mudah2an gua dapet waktu istirahat disana dan bisa enjoy kerja (kick ass begitu...)
19 October 2009
Mumbai, Namaste!
dari makanan street sampai Bollywood, dari Slums sampe Ganesh festival. Mumbai India's best of the best. We'll see...
14 October 2009
Ho Chi Minh, Xin Chao!




Travel Diary: SIN - SGN
Day 1
Arrived at 18:45 Tan Son Nhat airport. First impression: this airport is smaller than Soekarno-Hatta but it is strangely homey. I was picked up by the hotel and soon experience Saigon street. I simply loved it! why? it reminds me of muara karang. Motorbikes are everywhere. I think there were average 10 motorbikes in a second. It is more exotic than my hometown because of the many art galleries, collonial architecture and not to forget friendly people.
The hotel, fabulous. Though my USD got confiscated (because I don't have a credit card) I had my little own time even though I did not manage to wander on the first night in Saigon. I had to work on those handouts straightaway until 11 pm. I was so hungry and had one vanilla ring cookie and one pistachio cookie. Anyway, I soaked myself in a hot bath. That was a treat. Thank you, Lord!
Day 2
Planned to check those presentation. My phone card, Singtel, no money, can not top up overseas!!! was panicking incase my boss looked for me. Can not enjoy buffet breakfast. But had crispy waffle with maple syrup. It was heaven! some hash browns and bacon bits. Comfort food. The waitress told me to go on fourth floor to get a Viet Tel card 200,000 Vietnam Dong...alright. for the sake of communication with Suong & Mr. M.
I planned to wander after sorting the phone card and presentations but it took too long until I had to force myself for a lunch break. Can't rely go out, I had Pho at the hotel. Yeah...I was sitting there I wish I had a friend with me to go to Pho 24. The waitress told me to go for a walk, gave me a map and told me where to go in Saigon. But I was too busy. Not long after, I got the news that all my other colleagues are checked in the hotel with Suong. I finally meet our Vietnamese agents. They are lovely people. We had Vietnamese Coffee at the lobby lounge....I was so happy to see familiar faces. At 5 pm, our presentation meeting. Just as Ita said, expect surprises....the vietnamese font in my presentations was all wrong! There was a little chaos but it was manageable.
Thank you for my helpful colleagues HF and CG. You are God sent! After the meeting, we went to "Wrap & Roll"...I was happy did not have Pho for dinner, I started to feel bored with noodles. Wrap & roll was just nice...viet wrap...yummm. Oh btw, we were meant to set up the room at 4 pm but the hotel slot in a family function at 5 pm and our agents were not too happy. The hotel comforted us by offering free meeting room for 5 pm. So, that was good. The event manager, Thuyet, poor dear Thuyet was so busy for the whole day yet she impressed me. She promised to finish setting up at 9:30 pm and call me and she did it on time. Renaissance hotel staff, I am really impressed! you guys have been one of the most helpful bunch. Did you realize that it brings many praises to my God? The staff did all you can to help us and I am most grateful. Thank you Hieu and your boys, you all such a good team waitress, I enjoyed working with you all. You all made me fell in love with Saigon!
to be continued...
Good night Ho chi Minh!
PS: I am too lazy to upload my own picture. Above just a few real pictures that I think represent Saigon.
10 October 2009
Vietnam, Here I come!
Vietnam...customer seminar...opportunity to bring the gospel there? hmm...please pray the number one goal achieved and number two also...and sightseeing and holiday and rest.
Why I am sent to Vietnam and Mumbai? I have never even thought or planned to these places. But I have this one chance. hmm..
My desire
I groan for my own weaknesses.
I hate my sensitivity to words
I hate my tendency to follow what others think
I hate my indecisiveness
I hate my timidity
I hate my lack of confidence
I want to break free.
I want to be able to refuse graciously
I want to know the Lord's will for my life and stick to it no matter what!!
I want to walk slowly despite my hurry surroundings
I want conviction
I want to live victoriously with Him
I want to be fearless
I want to make decisions and not being fickle
I know what I need to do and I just want to do what I am supposed to do.
I do not want to be afraid of making mistakes regardless of what people say
I don't want to care too much of what people say
I want to have the freedom to do what God puts in my heart regardless of what parents will say or others will say...why should I be afraid? or embarassed? my God is the Lord of the Universe.
I want to know how to deal or communicate with my parents, family
I want happiness and joy and I know very well I can only obtain these in God. I am absolutely convinced that no where else is found true everlasting source of happiness
I want to be a christian hedonist! (John Piper haha)
and I know I will slowly get to this place because I am already free. I know what I need to do but often I have no courage nor faith. Lord, give me what is due to me now, what is my lot at present and if I ask for something that belongs to the future, give me patience to wait and willingness to yield to your will.
God, we only need you. Our deepest longings can only be fully satisfied by you...because you are perfect. Nothing else can. If our heart should desire for something cheap, please graciously show Yourself to us, that we may learn to desire what is good, what is perfect and what is right.
We will be truly ourselves when we are in Him.
God & Man
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
You have set your glory
above the heavens.
2 From the lips of children and infants
you have ordained praise
because of your enemies,
to silence the foe and the avenger.
Wow, the lips of children & infants, The lord has ordained praise. He had ordained praise... mustn't we do what we supposed to do? Praising the Lord Almighty?
3 When I consider your heavens,
the work of your fingers,
the moon and the stars,
which you have set in place,
This reminds me of the Seminar. He had set them all in place. He is the creator of the universe. The massive size of the universe, He can contain...who is He? what is He? We humbly submit our limited knowledge and present ourselves before Thee.
4 what is man that you are mindful of him,
the son of man that you care for him?
Compare to the universe, we are so insignificant, nothing...why He loves me so?
5 You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings
and crowned him with glory and honor.
Man...is crowned with glory and honor. We are dignified creatures. Our worth depends on the creator and the creator is pleased with us. He bestows glory and honor to us. Why are we down and rejected? see our creator treasures us. Words from fellow creatures means nothing, we are His.
6 You made him ruler over the works of your hands;
you put everything under his feet:
He graciously gives us authority over his other creations. He treats us special and that is because of trust and love for us.
7 all flocks and herds,
and the beasts of the field,
8 the birds of the air,
and the fish of the sea,
all that swim the paths of the seas.
9 O LORD, our Lord,
how majestic is your name in all the earth!
Psalm 8
07 October 2009
The cure for the melancholic
- You must be a little bit cruel
- When your friend are talking, don't make eye contacts, multitasks...
- You should avoid philosophical discussion, deep thinking should not be encouraged
- Don't stare too long when you think something is beautiful, take a deep breath, and walk away
- Your friends are often intelligent problem solver, don't underestimate their survival instinct.
- Should remember that some of those poor people are just lazy.
- Never forget that Boss is only human, 26 chromosomes, not dragon or some sort.
- Learn to make mistakes
- Be a fool
04 October 2009
No Fear
...The same everlasting Father who cares for you today, will take care of you tomorrow, and every day. Either He will shield you from suffering, or He will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace then, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations.
Francis de Sales (1567-1622)
My Feelings are not reliable
Our will can control our feelings if only we are steadfastly minded to do so. Many times when my feelings have declared contrary to the facts, I have changed those feelings entirely by a steadfast assertion of their opposite...
Surging emotions - like a tossing vessel, which by degrees yields to the steady pull of the anchor - finding themselves attached to the mighty power of God by the choice of your will, must sooner or later give allegiance to Him..." Hannah Whittall Smith
Have I lived a victorious life? "Living Victoriously" was the theme of our KKR service these few days. I have received the invitation, the opportunity to serve as counsellor and choir. I had chosen the choir because I don't think in my state I can be a counsellor at all, I don't think I have lived victoriously, I think I am somewhat in an emotional prison that hold me in bondage.
I feel fear
I feel rejected
I feel uncertainties against my future
I feel lonely
I feel hopeless
but that are only my feelings...and my feelings sure have driven me nuts!!!
God loves me, regardless I feel loved or not
God is with me, regardless I feel lonely or not
God accepts me, regardless me feeling much rejection from man
God loves me enough to limit Satan power in trying His saints, regardless I feel secure or not
God is sovereign and in control, and again... He loves me enough to give me future and hope in eternity, regardless my feeling of hopelessness and despair.
These are the truth!!! God remains faithful forever and ever. He is not like fickle minded man, He is totally unchangeable! That's why if we have Him as our foundation, We will SURELY NEVER BE SHAKEN!
We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ -- 2Cor 10:5b
Oh Father, it is not always easy
Please...h e l p m e...
28 September 2009
21 September 2009
Campur Sari Part 3
I have had my say on the act of serving and the object of service in my previous post. I feel that I must also touch on the motivation of serving, the passion or the conviction to serve. What is the purpose of our lives? for if we do not serve our Lord, our life is meaningless. I have been praying that God will open my eyes so that I may know that it is God's immense grace for me to be given the opportunity to serve Him. To be given skills and talents for the expansion of His kingdom on this earth. Have I used them for His Glory? or have I ran away like the servant with one talent...afraid...and thus buried it? I to be honest am scared to be irresponsible. But, I also dread the responsibility. Oh save me! Lest I do not serve my God and give Thee as Thou deservest.
Lord, I don't want to write/talk too much, because the words may betray the speaker.
Give me a servant heart, for this little woman has none.
Give me a conviction to serve, that it may hold me, possess me strong despite any challenges or hardship
Give me a heart that is willing to pay the price, to bear some pains and to fear no men.
Release me from my anxiety and strengthen my faith in You. Save me for your sake.
Oh shall I not boast on my weaknesses...for the strength of my mighty God will down on me.
The days are short and our chance to serve Him is not many. How about the population of the world...day by day people live without the gospel...without any lifeline...are we going to sit here and not reach out to them? Has the gospel brought life to you? if it has, it will move you to share it to others. What a joy to partake in such work, ensuring one person has jumped from hell to heaven! What a joy to join the angels break forth in singing as one soul is secured! What a joy to know that we can be part of this!!! C'mon Lilis! kick ass!!!
19 September 2009
I have been greedy!
I have been greedy!
Thanks for reminding me
I hope I didn't blow anything
Thank you for my job once again
There are so many people without job out there
Or even in a job with a situation worse than I am.
I am lucky to have settled in this job
blessed I mean...
17 September 2009
16 September 2009
Prayer Meeting
- Pak Yahya wah...eksposisinya itu lho! sekalipun sering denger ini passage, mbikin gua kepengennnnn dan pengennnnn lebih rajin lagi baca firman Tuhan. Rasanya firman Tuhan itu kok gua gak dapet2 banyak. Rinduuuu begitu...aku ngaku kurang disiplin pagi hari. Suka setengah2 bacanya trus sambil ngantuk2. Belakangan ini jarang bgt dig deep seperti study2 yang dulu bisa dilakuin. George Whitefield pernah bilang begini "Don't go out to do other things without your heart being warmed first by God's word". Wah, kata2 dia selalu terngiang-ngiang di pagi hari. Dia bilang kalau sebelum baca firman mendingan jangan doa lama2. Nanti setelah selesai pasti doanya lancar. Bukan masalah lama cepetnya, tapi biasanya setelah mendapatkan sesuatu dari Tuhan, hati kita akan terasa hangat dan ucapan syukur pun jadi lebih sincere and genuine. Jadi tahu apa yang mesti didoakan. Aduh...Tuhan...tolong...aku pokoknya gak mau beranjak sebelum Engkau memberikan sesuatu padaku untuk hari itu.
- Tadi diingatkan mengenai dosa sendiri. Kadang udah tahu ya kalo jangan suka menghakimi orang lain. Tapi gua yakin, Tuhan sudah mengingatkan gua beberapa hari kemarin. Setelah gua menghakimi, gua malah buat kesalahan yang orang itu buat. Emang bener, ingat dosa sendiri itu gak mudah, ngomongin dan ngakuinnya itu gak mudah. Tapi, mending energinya dipakai untuk belajar mengampuni daripada menghakimi orang.
- Gua semakin tersentuh akan kasih Tuhan. Keseimbangan antara kasih dan adil yang Tuhan miliki itu indah sekali. Adil & Kasih: hukuman dosa kita bukannya dihilangkan tapi Ia pikul. Indah banget yaaa...
- Ita shared mengenai kesempatan dia menginjili dan orangnya merespons. Wah, sungguh sukacita besar ya bisa ngalamin itu. Pengen Tuhan...orang yang aku injili bisa merespons "yes". Tapi aku tahu, aku dituntut untuk setia menanam dan menyiram apakah orangnya menerima ataupun mengeraskan hati. Biarlah penginjilan saya yang kurang sempurna itu, Tuhan pakai. Biarlah aku bersedia diperlengkapi su;paya bisa nyampein injil secara lengkap dan biblical.
- Gua cukup tersentuh dengan effort yang dibuat oleh anak-anak pengurus disini. Apalagi setelah gua ngeliat kartu doa buat kkr. Mereka sungguh2 serius. Saya yang tadinya main2 juga diajak serius. Mudah2an Tuhan membiarkan kalian melihat hasil tuaian yang besar!
12 September 2009
I was doing my devotional time this morning and I remember this song! Haha. How the heck I think of this song? Poor concentration....morning blues... NO!
I was reading Exodus 33:12-fin "Moses and the Glory of the LORD"
12 Moses said to the LORD, "You have been telling me, 'Lead these people,' but you have not let me know whom you will send with me. You have said, 'I know you by name and you have found favor with me.' 13 If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. Remember that this nation is your people."
14 The LORD replied, "My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest."
15 Then Moses said to him, "If your Presence does not go with us, do not send us up from here. 16 How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all the other people on the face of the earth?"
17 And the LORD said to Moses, "I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name."
18 Then Moses said, "Now show me your glory."
19 And the LORD said, "I will cause all my goodness to pass in front of you, and I will proclaim my name, the LORD, in your presence. I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion. 20 But," he said, "you cannot see my face, for no one may see me and live."
21 Then the LORD said, "There is a place near me where you may stand on a rock. 22 When my glory passes by, I will put you in a cleft in the rock and cover you with my hand until I have passed by. 23 Then I will remove my hand and you will see my back; but my face must not be seen."
Wouldn't it be nice to see God face to face? God said that He is pleased with you and will show you His glory? God will pass by you and you were put in a cleft in the rock and was covered by The Lord's hand until He passed by? He will then remove His hand and show you His back???? I found God is very loving towards Moses and I would like to come near Him...
Wouldn't it be nice?
Campur sari part 2
Was just reading my previous post and I said that the part where things do not meet my expectations, it drawn me closer to God. I think I did not make that clear enough. What I mean was it taught me that nothing, nothing shall be satisfying except God. The only thing that can make you absolutely happy is God. In the end, the failure of work, friends, family, money, riches, fame to provide the true pleasure should point us to God. It reminds me that nothing can make me truly happy but God. He is perfect and everything else is not. Only one thing I ask of God, make me serve you when I am working. I am not working for men neither myself nor my family. But, I am working for You. Should the Devil try to deviate this thoughts away by placing obstacles, let him suffer in hell! Please give me holy motivation to work, a decided mind to glorify You in whatever I do. May it point the people in my surrounding to You. Who am I, Lord? that you should choose me and be gracious to me? God show mercy to whom He chose to show mercy, God show compassion to whom He chose to show compassion. Why should I be so privileged? Remember Lilis...your life is not your own. You have given it up to Him. May this puny life be a fragrant offering to Him. I know...Satan will not be silent. Protect us all Lord! give us discernment to know the trap he set before us. So that we may not sin. Oh, what power we have in our hands because of Christ Jesus! We don't have to sin. The Lord Almighty will give him the ending he deserve. Never be weary in prayer! Satan trembles when he sees...the weakest saint on his knees. Go to the one who is powerful and rely on him!
Haha. Ita chase me up to do this post. Thanks for the encouragement! You are a good friend and a role model :D! May the Lord bless you richly.
What is serving?
Singing in Choir? Leading a small group? Managing Audio & Visuals? Leading worship? Playing instruments? greet people at church? I would like to challenge us all to take the matter of serving not only in the context of helping at church but our whole life. As we serve, we need to ask who do we serve? ourselves? our friends? or... our Lord?
The act of serving:
Nowadays, people seems to think that as long as I serve at church, it makes me feel holier and when I go back to my school or work or family, I can do what I want. In other words, it make payment for the wrongs that I made on the other days. "Oh no...we don't do that..." Really?? Or I scared if my church leader will chase me up and demand for my hands and so I just do it...I am serving now...are you happy?? These kind of attitude should not be encouraged by the leaders.
Why? we nullify the sacrifice of Jesus, He had already set us free from bondage and slavery of sin. It was all because of grace and our salvation can not be earned by 'serving' at church. Church leaders should not manipulate their authority to get people working. Be patient and Don't worry too much of not having people to help! If God really wants this person to help out, He will get him. He will provide the willing workers. After all, what is in your agenda? God's agenda or your agenda? Is it God's ministry or your ministry? It is not successful in the eyes of man but are we valuing The Lord's work using human standards? The Lord will do as He pleases...
Don't get me wrong, I do not encourage laziness neither selfishness. Keep praying for these people that the Lord will change their heart. Our greatest temptation is to think that we are holy by 'serving' at church but it was Jesus' blood that made us holy. It is total sadness when we suppose to be joyful in serving the Lord, experiencing His power working thru us and yet we were wishing to do something else.
The object of service:
Who do we serve? are we serving others so that we might be seen as a good person, kind and famous? this objective of serving will not last long. You will die in exhaustion and it will not glorify God because of your selfish motives. Let us serve God out of our thanks to Him. Let God purify our motives and correct our ways. Let us experience the true joy of serving the Almighty. We do not have to be the super busy Christians. There is always time to do the will of God yet most of the time we do not seek the Lord's will and just do everything. We can not help everyone, We can not do everything is there in the ministry. Just do the will of God and that is sufficient. For God sake and for your sake, just do what God has called you to do. You will find joy in it and grow in Him. God, I want to know your will. Give me the courage to say no to other things and the strength to hold to that stand. Don't allow me make the same mistake twice. What an expensive price I paid!
As we serve the Lord through serving people, I am sure you will want to give your best. What is the most precious, invaluable, important treasure you can give to others? Bear with me as I prepare my words.
as for now, I want to feast on some of the books my friends gave me...Shadow of the Almighty and Screwtape. That was great gifts, people! haha.
11 September 2009
Campur Sari part 1
- Work
- Serving
- Evangelism Explosion
I DONT KNOW!!! I work in an MNC, I have business trips, I work normal business hours, I know my colleagues well now, I work in food technology field even though not in technical position, I still deal with food things, I like talking to people and market our products to them, I like analyzing how the company performing in terms of sales. What else do I want? we can't get everything we want. I think the part where it does not meet my expectations really draw me closer to God. I become more dependent on Him and relying on His strength.
I found out that my manager does not know that I was not a permanent staff. All the while they think I am and He said He will talk to Mr. K. Now, it really makes me think hard whether I still want to do this job, whether I will survive under two demanding guys. I mean Mr. K works hard and his company is really doing well in terms of sales, world leader. Standard of work is high. But, he is quite stingy for a European, hahaha. In fact, he is a China man. Thrifty Asians combined with Proud Choleric European create the most deadly mutant ever imagined. Thanks to Darwin's natural selection yeah! such species survived. No. God's grace to him.
Anyway, let's put aside the weaknesses of my boss or my colleagues. I think I will encounter people like this in all the walks of my life. I can not isolated myself from the consequences of their sins. I can not escape the pain they caused. I have my own weaknesses too and they had to bear that also. The only thing I see since the beginning of the year, it is that I must, should, ought, have to, need to, learn to say NO! I was reading Wiersbe's God isn't in a hurry, it was saying we need not be celebrity Christians. Oh Thank God!
In fact, this will lead to my thoughts on serving. What does it mean by serving? How does the church nowadays view serving? How should I serve? that is coming next.
Sudah malam teman-teman. Kasurku sudah menunggu. Met bobo. zzz
08 September 2009


"Opinion is something that you hold but conviction is something that holds you." Talk about being convicted in Christ. Lord, help Mr. K and Mr. M to know you.
01 September 2009
Nuhun, Bapa!
- Thank you Lord! Despite a hard day today and full of pressures, You are faithful!
- Thank you that I don't have to rush to Suntec to send the stuff for FDi. Instead, I was left at the office can do sales report for Mr. K. I am glad I can be of used to him. Thank you he was happy, but I still have not done Korea, Japan & India sales but He was contented.
- Thank you I managed to have lunch today even though I was late for lunch and no more rice left. Udon was sufficient.
- Thank you for sending Hui Fern letting me to pass "Product Sheet" work to MHC.
- Thank you I almost complaint for the workload but you prevented me.
- Thank you that I don't have to bring our pull ups home otherwise I wouldn't know how to carry, cos it's quite heavy and have to take bus, mrt and walk home.
- Thank you for sending Mr. M back to the office, I thought he would 'ponteng' (off to home after suntec)!
- Thank you for colleagues that pity me, I needed that! I was so stressed this morning!
- Thank you, Mr. K tomorrow is going to Jakarta, fiuhh and will see him again on monday!! Haha. Mr. K despite of your choleric temperament, forgetfulness and mean words, I am glad I can work for you. Somehow. Pardon me too, if I was too sensitive.
- I don't work well under pressure. If you allow me to relax a bit, I will do the job very well.
30 August 2009
Birthday week reflection
I can not thank God more for IEC. IEC people are:
- Caring
- genuinely wants to serve God and follow him
- serving selflessly yet understand grace well
God, please restore my first love to you. Give me a servant heart, a heart that is willing to serve, serving no other than You. Give me discernment so that I will not give in to temptation, fall into the devil schemes so that I miss your will for me. Thank you for your love for me, for dying on my place, for providing eternal life for free and thank you for choosing me before the foundation of the earth was even placed. Thank you that I have this hope and You to take care everything. Thank you once again. Forgive my many sins, O Lord for they are such red stains. If I should desire the temporaries of this world, please be gracious to me and bring me back on track. I want to live this life for You. No matter how hard things can be You are always faithful to me. You are and You will always be. Jesus, all the more I seek You, I only find beauty. I only find truth and grace woven together, nicely tight. You are the way, the truth and the life. Thank you.
26 August 2009
I hated him
I was quite surprised to hear that Sundanese people remains among the most resistant and unreachable people. The above article explained why.
25 August 2009
Work: A new perspective
God, only because of your unchanging character and faithfulness to your promises...
I think I trust the right person.
Many thanks to your prayers, beloved friends! (Satan trembles when he sees, the weakest saint on his knees) I wouldn't have made it without your prayers.
My God, My God
this life belongs to thee
it is no longer mine
one day people shall see
Jesus Christ lives in me...
23 August 2009
Doa menyambut pergantian umur
Saya rindu untuk lebih mengasihi adik saya dan lebih bersabar terhadap dia.
Setelah Engkau memberkati saya dengan sukacita yang penuh, saya rindu Tuhan Engkau pakai saya untuk menjangkau orang2 di sekitar saya, keluarga, teman dan orang kantor. Saya rindu memakai semua talenta yang engkau berikan pada saya bagi kemuliaanMu. Hanya satu saya minta, saya minta agar saya dapat mengalami mukjizatMu setiap hari, hal-hal kecil Tuhan, agar jangan luput dari mata saya untuk melihat betapa besar Anugrah Tuhan bagi saya, agar jangan luput dari mulut saya untuk mengucap syukur dan tidak pernah menganggap saya layak mendapat semua berkat-berkat ini. Agar saya jangan menjadi buta oleh nikmat dunia dan menjual diri saya kepadanya. Agar saya jangan putus asa berdoa, senantiasa bersandar pada Tuhan dan bukan pada diri saya. Agar saya dapat menikmati waktu istirahat saya.
Agar saya tidak mudah tersinggung, supaya beban-beban hidup saya berkurang.
Tuhan, saya tidak tahu jalan hidup saya atau umur panjang saya. Tapi saya rindu menjalani hari tiap hari bersama Tuhan saja dan belajar take one day at a time. Saya tidak bisa jalan sendiri, Thou my only strength and refuge. Thank you for you many blessings already these twenty three years of Lilis' life. Thank you deeply for forgiving all my sins and accepted me as who I am. You make me somebody.
Let Thy Word be true in my life, let it become an irresistible reality in my life that attracts people to You.
These my humble plea, Lord. Amen.
Quote of the week
The way to be truly happy is to be truly human
The way to be truly human is to be truly godly
-J.I. Packer-
One that loves the Lord must exhibit:
"praise in prosperity
patience in adversity
peace for the future"
-John Calvin-
"The Atheist most embarrassing moment is when he feel deeply thankful about something but do not know who to thank to"
"An atheist has reason but no hope for his reason
A hypocrite has hope but no reason for his hope
A Christian has both, the reason for his hope and hope for his reason"
"Do not be afraid of hard work for Christ; a terrible reckoning awaits those who have an easy time in the ministry, but a great reward is in reserve for those who endure all things for the elect's sake."
-Spurgeon, 1881-
"Churches do not grow by addition; they grow by nutrition."
"I wish Thy way.
But when in me myself would rise
and long for something otherwise
Then, Holy One, take sword and spear
and slay"
"It is good that we should have to submit to what we do not understand. It teaches us the laws of faith and hope.
It is good that we should have to do what we should rather not. in circumstances not of our choice.
It is good that there should be always something to prick us on, something to remind us that we are in an enemy's country, belong to a marching column.
It is good that we should meet with checks and failures in what we undertake, to keep us humble and prayerful.
All these things belong to sowing tears.
God seems to have laid out the order of things in His church, not for a general and brilliant triumph but for the hidden sanctification of the individual souls which compose it."
Prayer in faith, Jane Erskine Stuart
"yield not to temptation, for yielding is sin.
Each victory will help you some others to win.
Fight manfully onward, dark passions subdue.
Look ever to Jesus, He'll carry you through.
Ask the Savior to help you,
Comfort, strengthen, and keep you.
He is willing to aid you
He will carry you through."
-H. R. Palmer-
18 August 2009
17 August 2009
Lunch time, I didn't have much food. The conversation didn't go anywhere else. Mr. K seems to like to talk about religion with me. His mission is to persuade me not to trust the bible anymore. Haha. I am not convinced. All his arguments are weak man...weak... He gathered all the information here and there, and obviously chose to believe these seemingly knowledgable people from one age to another rather than believing the bible. He said He read the bible but what do you read, dear mister? Don't just read one sided. Don't just read it some and make conclusions. That is called blind hatred, blind discrimination. I feel for you. May the God of light shine through your heart and whatever that you have heard from me may the Lord used it, continue to speak to you in your sleep, dreams and times alone. May it speak so powerfully that you will not be able to resist reading the bible again and seeking God. I am grateful to be able to explain more why I believe in Christ, why I have this precious hope in Him. I know...His truth can expose many sins and I think you are scared. You are scared that I am right. I tell you, God of all truth will remain who He is regardless your belief. The truth will speak for itself and will penetrate even the hardest heart. Only I beg you, humble yourself before Him. He will bless you. He will truly bless you Mr. K. Everything that you seek in life will be found in Him, will be met and satisfied by Him and you will not thirst for anything lesser. I am glad that I can share about what I believe, I am thankful for that little opportunity and you were willing to listen. Mr. M, it's never too late. You TELL me what you believe but I hope to SHOW you what I believe. May God of wisdom be merciful to you and grant understanding to you. Please...let him in...let him in... Please God, don't allow them to be far away from you, blinded by their own sinfulness, loving pleasures and wickedness. Let them respond to you, without fear or pretension. Meet with them in a way they never expect. They desperately need you.
Thank you for the honor of sharing the good news, Lord. Upon that I can only testify of your work.
16 August 2009
Simply Happy
Saturday, I got up and thinking of doing something good. I won't tell because it might devalue the whole act but it was good to off focus from self. Arrived at youth only to be fed with something really profound. Mrs. Phebe Shen, wow what a lady! when she speaks to us, everyone feel that there is something different, something very attractive, very powerful, almost like fire burning. She shared her hard journey of faith and the abundant fruits. Almost killed by her own father, she persevered till now, bringing many lives (50 people at least in her own family, including her daddy!!) to Christ. She challenged us what difference can we make to the world we live in. Yes, our world is wicked and never fair. But, if we remain as salt, how we meant to be, we will always be useful in the hands of God. She explained, back in the days, salt does not come like powder, how we always have in the container...fine crystals. In those days, salt really means salty rocks. When they have their food, they will bite the food and then lick the rock to get the salty sensation. As you used the rock frequently, the salt content decreases and when it is not salty anymore, it is useless and thrown away. Wow, that's something new I didn't know. I simply admired her. Her passion and cheerful spirit, I always wonder the simbar bro and sis, how does it feel to have an auntie such that. Her faith and prayer life. Her sadness to see there are still many people have not known Christ. Everything of her is...helplessly contagious.
I longed longed longed...God... many have won the battle, me too pleaseee!!!
Thank you for bringing me to IEC. It is one of your graces to keep my faith in You growing, to keep me from going off track. Thank You. I then realize everything, everything that has been happening in my life, every single event, God knows... my weaknesses, God knows what I need, God knows how to clean up the mess I made, God simply knows yet doesn't remain silent and act upon it. Although, it might not how I would like it to be but little by little He kinda did. God, me cling to you. Can not do anything without you. Can NOT!!! Need you every day every hour.
Give me all the necessary wisdom and courage. Make me function! Useful for your Kingdom! Not get tight up with what the world says, wants, gives. The world rejected you first, it will, it will reject me. But me not living for this world only, but for the one the better is coming. My hope is there. My hope is there!! Fill me to the overflowing! run through my family. one by one.
Mrs. Phebe Shen said do your best for God! study as smart as you can, earn a lot of money for God. Why? poor people, plus noisy some more talking about this guy named Jesus, does not make a lot of impressions. Talk about marketing. Haha I like that. That's very true you know...
Be a professional in handling the word of God. Shame on you compare to JW's and Mormons. Never be interested in debate with sects, don't talk about what they believe. Talk about what YOU believe. Awesome as!
Sunday, guess what? the same. Same firing on to inspire us young people to live for God, make influence, do the work of evangelism!!! All the more, If my hands and feet don't move or do any work for God, rasanya gatal deh, can NOT just stand there. The only difference was I went and joined the choir practise today. Mencoba/Menjajaki. Ci SS, Evel & Ci Mar (subtle) persuasion. Hehehe. It was...enjoyable...
Then swensen gelato and crispy veggies completed our happy sunday...
God help thy little worm. Forgive my many sins. Make me secure. Leaning on the everlasting arm.
13 August 2009
Life as per 13 August
My relationship with my boss and manager are not so good. Kinda trapped in a dilemma. There is one work that I still do not know how to do it because it is rather in the boundary of being truthful and untruthful. I have been praying a lot about it. But, I still haven't the way out at the same time knowing I am responsible for this task and in any time, I mean any, He can come to me and ask the result. I really dunno what will I say then.
He keeps teasing me on my faith. It's ok, I expected that. Only...the only part that I am afraid is the trouble that I brought on my own head, saying that I have to much on my plate somehow made me to sound lazy and nagging. Now, my manager is daring to say things that are hurtful. Today, I was asked to scan magazines but may be it wasn't as he expected. I truly didn't know what is it going to be, but he said it was so bad that it looked like a lazy work. I don't know much abt computer and I feel so dumb to have spent five hours in total doing it. :(. How can I be so stupid???
This job is no sweat, don't really need much techniques. It is the matter you know what you are doing and how to organize. You will do pretty well. Doesn't need a degree I don't think. Plus marketing is about making up a bunch of crap and be skillful in greasing people around you to get what you want. A pity...there is no other way if you can not afford waiting. People cut the queue on the way to success by it. You can have great products and believe in it as you pleased but without cunning tactful skills you will not succeed. I don't know how will I survive this job, my heart will bleed if ever I made a compromise. My conscience will go numb. I dunno if I can survive any job involving PR marketing. May be I overimagine...somewhat extreme...but just getting down to the basic, your KPI/performance is based on how you have influenced someone to buy our products...evangel...you must convert others. At this point, any business will be selfish. There is no selflessness in their dictionary. Superficial generosity is done to achieve ultimate self satisfaction. Personal gain...who cares about you...if we don't do it to you...you will do it to us. That's the game. You tell me this is again Darwin principle, each person is equipped with survival gene, those who adapt quickly will survive in this game and those who are resistant will soon be out.
But, oh but...in Revelation...the great majestic triumphant royal wealthy Babylon was proud yet did not stand long. The wrath of God poured out on them and it all wasted away. All the riches of Babylon all that was symbols men honors and greatness...all disappeared in one blow. Because they did not fear God. It was written the merchants weep along the shores, because there will be no more trading with them, no more source of income, the behemoth Babylon has met with ruin and destruction is their inescapable destiny. And the people of God that was slain...Rejoice at last! for the Lord their God is mighty and faithful to His promises.
God, I am sorry I am impatient for my own personal growth, in holiness
I guess it might have been a demanding spirit that takes root on selfishness and unholy motive
Cleanse me with hyssop.
I am amazed at your working...by grace so that I may depend fully on you and I share none of the glory that belongs to you.
Blessed be your holy name!
07 August 2009
Stupid, Stupid, Stupid
I am truly ashamed.
I am so immature.
I am so stupid!!!
I have no shame.
God...I am so sorry...
06 August 2009
Why Christians insist they are right?
But, don't you think it is a little arrogant to ask Him, such honorable, majestic being to prove it to you? Who are you to deserve such answer? Are you holy enough to be able to face Him?
Yes, there are many religions out there but they are all contradictory to one another. The only common thing between them is that:
- they all recognize there is good and bad
- we are not perfect/sinful
- the way to perfection/salvation for ourselves and surrounding
- life after death (whether exist or not)
Many people are not opened to this simply because they are afraid. They are too comfortable with what they believe in and can not be bothered. Because if they found out they are in the wrong side, they will panic.
Of course I think my belief is right. At this moment, we disagree with each other yet each one of us insist that each belief is true. You believe that there are more ways to go to heaven. You absolutely believe that God exists but the way to Him is unknown and you absolutely do not trust religion. Because you absolutely believe that religion is man-made. At this stage, I can only say that there are only two possibilities:
- Either I am right or you are right
- Neither of us are right
to be continued...
04 August 2009
I feel stupid! I think my boss won't be too impressed with me.
I feel that I am afraid to take responsibilities
I am afraid of making mistakes
Lilis, wake up! Be yourself!
I tried. My colleagues weren't too impressed knowing that I decided not to come because Mr K. house is far. I know... that is such a lame excuse. But, one of you also took that excuse, right? At least, I am honest to my lady boss and I said to her sincerely in the end that it was nice to come.
Anyway, Lilis...
calm down...
take a deep breath
in the end you visited mr K.
and you just need to let your colleagues know that you finally went when they asked.
otherwise they might think you are so rude and cause unnecessary barrier between you and them.
Mr. K's daughter, Clara is so adorable! I love that kid. Eyes are like doll: long lashes and big eyes. She will grow to be a pretty and smart kid. Father speaks dutch, mama speaks Chinese. She speaks English with me. A two years old amazing capability to learn language.
I feel stink. My feet are stink (crocs to blame). My face always tired and not fresh. So, I feel rather self-conscious. I dun mind but my bosses do mind if I look tired cos they will think I won't be able to work well.
Anyway, at least I was honest to everything and sincere. I hope people can see that.
Lord, I am still carrying this European mentality where my face is purely Asian. I know taking this job is not going to be easy. But, hopefully this little suffering can do me good, shape me the way you want me to be.
Because I keep forgetting that this life doesn't belong to me anymore. This life belongs to you and it is absolutely at your command. If you destined suffering and pain and discomfort, they are all for my good, for my maturity. This life is not mine to keep, to do as I please, but to serve my Lord. And serve Him til I die, I should.
I keep remembering Mr. K debate and comparing it with the book that I read. The following sentences serve to satisfy my own desire to reply properly:
Why should you agree with abortion? Don't you think the baby in the womb before coming out into the world was living and enjoying his/her relationship with his/her parents? Will you disregard the 40 weeks life compare to 80 years? you think 40 weeks life weren't life not worth a living? who are you to make a decision for the baby when clearly the Creator has decided to give it breath of life? Do you agree then if people become irresponsible and when they decided they don't want the baby, they can just let it stop living? How immature! Daring to act but runaway from responsibility.
How little and pathetic, the God that you worship! not sovereign, passive, no emotions, no power, so limited. Such god does not deserve the title "God". If He is God, He will be able to see you, care for you even if you are but dust compare to the unimaginable size and the ever-expanding galaxy.
Here, Jesus. My life, do as you please.
02 August 2009
About my Job
Thank you for this job, Lord! Thank you so much!!!
01 August 2009
Oh..how I love this poem dearly!
That there is anything that men hold dear
Thou would'st deprived me of,
And nothing give in place?
That is not so--
For I can see Thy face
And hear Thee now:
"My child, I died for Thee,
And if the gift of love and life
You took from me,
Shall I one precious thing withhold--
One beautiful and bright,
One pure and precious thing withhold?
My child, it cannot be."
By Betty Scott Stam
Notable quotes part 2
that every freedom can be denied a man except the freedom to choose his attitude, and that suffering is not an obstacle to happiness but the necessary means to it.
"Don't dig up in doubt, what you planted in faith"
"Believing prayer must be the practice of a Christian's whole life"
"The Lord taught me that the preparation for marriage is not so much a matter of finding the right person as it is becoming the right person."
"We learn, to love what He commands and to desire nothing that He does not promise."
"Jesus, Thou joy of loving hearts,
Thou fount of life, Thou light of men,
From the best bliss that earth imparts,
We turn to Thee unfulfilled again"
Bernard Clairvaux
Worst fears that materialize are abyss and mass of mercies, appointed and assigned by a loving Father who sees the end from the beginning. The more we learn to fear God, the less we fear anything else. The fear of the Lord is the cure for boredom. It goes with living in the presence of God. It is a lamp in a dark place; it consumes malice and wrong thoughts. It is according to Proverbs, Life. It is the fruit of humility and first step to wisdom.